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The guy who’d entered headed over to a urinal. “It’s ok,” I whispered back, speeding up my movements a little. We weren’t entirely silent, but neither was the restroom, and I was pretty sure the guy couldn’t hear us if Jamie didn’t make any sounds. Even though I didn’t really care if he did. He had a hand on my shoulder, and it gripped me tight as he panted and tried to hold in the moans that were threatening to slip out.

The guy finished and moved to the sink. Jamie let out a little moan while the water was running, but I had no idea if the guy out there heard it or not. He probably didn’t give a shit what was going on in the stall, anyway, although if he knew who it was happening to, he probably would have wanted to watch. Jamie’s head thunked against the wall again as the hand dryer came on, and he was panting as I continued jacking him off.

I started kissing his neck again. By the time the guy left the room and the bathroom door closed behind him, Jamie was practically whining. “Caden…”

“Yes?” I said, pulling back with a grin, “What was that you were saying about not having enough time?” I started twisting my hand every time I reached the tip, and his hips were giving tiny thrusts into my grip. His legs were shaking, and my grin widened. I was going to get him there even faster than he’d gotten me off.

“Sh…shut up,” he panted with a breathless little laugh, but then he bit his fist and clenched his eyes shut as he muffled a cry and shoved his hips forward, his cock pulsing in my grip. I did my best to contain all of his cum in my hand even though I wasn’t sure why because God only knew what was on that floor.

I released him and grabbed some toilet paper to clean my hand while he leaned back against the wall trying to catch his breath. I knew I had that smug look he’d had a few moments before as I tucked him back into his shorts. I tried to straighten some of his sweaty hair with my clean hand. “Told you it would be fast,” I said.

He gave me a look that tried to be annoyed but couldn’t in the afterglow of his orgasm. He adjusted his shorts, pushing past me out of the stall and messing with his hair in the mirror. I stepped out behind him, still smirking as I washed my hand off. “I gotta go,” he said, then glanced up at me in the mirror and added, “I better not have any of your cum glowing on my face up there.”

“Hey!” I cried, “That was completely your idea. Plus, you marked me,” I glanced at the hickey in the mirror, “So all’s fair, right?”

He snorted but winked at me in the mirror before slipping out the door. I followed behind him because really, who cared? He went left, backstage, and I found my way back to the table where my friends waited. If they were looking at me knowingly before, it was a million times worse when I returned.

“Wow,” Caitlin said when I sat down, “You guys are really smooth. I wonder where they both could have disappeared to at the same time, a little while before they both came out of the bathroom, all sweaty and Caden with a new hickey.”

“Some mysteries are better left unexplored,” I said, and she burst out laughing.

Maybe it should have been weird having my friends watch my boyfriend dance on a pole, but it really wasn’t, since that was how the whole thing had started in the first place. Even Amber didn’t seem to feel out of place there, probably since she’d gone to the studio with him multiple times to record his practice for him. He used the videos to improve, and sometimes posted them to the studio’s YouTube channel.

I rode back to campus with him while my friends got a ride. We took the long way. We usually did. No touchy-feely, just enjoying the ride and the closeness we got on his bike. He hadn’t seen Wally in a bit, even at the club, so we counted that as good news and wallowed in our new-relationship happiness.


We were sitting on my bed in early November, his head resting on my chest as we watched a scary movie on my laptop. We weren’t quite ready to let go of Halloween, probably because it hadn’t been as much fun as it could have been if I’d just allowed real Caden to come out. We’d gone to a haunted house with our friends the week before Halloween, and that had been fun. My favorite part had been when one of the actors had startled Jamie into jumping on my back and telling me to run, because it had been hilarious. Halloween itself had been somewhat of a disappointment, though. Since we weren’t going to a party together, he’d opted to work, because that holiday was always a particularly good night for him at Club Adonis.

We could have gone to a party together in couple’s costumes, making out in a dark corner like all the other couples at the party I went to. Instead, I was practically in tears as Jamie sent me selfies of himself in elaborate black wings and black pleather pole shorts, playing up the whole Raven thing. I wanted to be where he was instead of alone and miserable at the stupid party I’d gone to with Jeff. There were people around me, but none of them was the person I wanted around me.

I spent most of the night trying to dodge Renee because she’d told me she wanted to talk to me. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about, but she was hanging around some sorority girls who weren’t known for being nice, and I wanted to avoid all of them. She’d talked about trying to join a sorority when we were together but never had. I wasn’t sure why and I didn’t care. I had no desire to talk to her. I wanted my hands on that beautiful dark angel in the texts I kept getting.

There was always the next Halloween for couple’s costumes, I guessed. I’d be ready by then. Maybe I could wear white wings and he could wear that again, although if he did I doubted we’d ever make it out of my dorm.

He suddenly spoke up as we watched the movie. “Are you going home for Thanksgiving break?”

Not really thinking about what he was asking me, my mind still on his Halloween costume, I just said, “I guess so.” I always did, and I hadn’t really put much thought into it. My parents always had dinner, but it wasn’t a big family thing. It was just us- me, my parents, and my sister. “Why?”

He hesitated, like he was almost afraid to say anything. Finally, though, his head still on my chest and eyes still on the movie, he said, “I was just going to say that you could always come with me to my mom’s house, if you didn’t already have plans. I figured you were going home, though, and that’s cool. I’m sure your family misses you.”

He still wasn’t looking at me, but he’d just asked me to come home with him and meet his family. He wanted his family to meet me. And he was obviously scared that I wouldn’t want to. “Hey.” He finally looked up at me. “You really want me to meet your mom and sister?”

He looked away quickly. I was sure he thought he was being presumptuous. But we’d been together for two months at that point. We’d already discussed the fact that neither of us wanted to see other people, and we’d gone to get tested together, just so the sex could be that much better. I cared about him more than I could ever remember caring about anyone, and he had to know that I was serious about us by then.

He was a little hesitant as he spoke. “I mean…I’d like you to meet them sometime. That is, I mean, if you want to. If not, that’s cool, too. I don’t want to push you-”

I cut him off. “I’ll tell my parents I’m staying on campus that week and having Thanksgiving with friends to save up some money, and I’ll see them at Christmas. It’s not that far away.” He sat up and looked at me, wide-eyed. I felt the need to add, “I’m sorry I’m not ready to tell them. I’m getting there, I promise.”

Instead of being upset about the fact that I was still in the closet, he tackled me with a hug and we both fell backwards onto my pillows. “You want to have Thanksgiving with me?”

I laughed. “Yeah, of course I do.”

“Caden, I know you aren’t ready to tell anyone, and I’m not upset about it. I already told you that. I understand why you don’t want your parents to find out. I mean, you’re working with what happened the last time someone caught you, and that was traumatic.”

My phone was buzzing, but I ignored it. I was pretty sure it had been buzzing when he tackled me, too, but I’d check it in a minute. Right then, I just wanted to hold him. I hugged him to me, grateful for how understanding he was, and kissed the top of his head.

A moment later, Jesse burst into the room. Jamie and I both shot up in my bed. “Shit, shit, shit,” Jesse said, looking around as he locked the door behind him. I stared at him, and he seemed to be hatching a plan as he looked at Jamie, then me. “Unless you two want your cover blown, Caden, your man needs to come over here and get in bed with me. Now.”

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