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“No,” I whisper.

“There will never be another woman,” he says softly, as though his words aren’t shredding right through my insides.

My eyes are burning with tears, desperation and hope clinging to my soul.

Then why put us through this? Fucking why?

I open my mouth to ask, but then he’s cupping both of my cheeks, and…

He’s kissing me.

Deep and long and…I don’t have the strength to stop him, not with what he told me, not with how gentle his hands are on my face, and how good his body feels against mine.

I can’t stop him.

Not when he threads an arm behind me, scooping me up, encouraging me to wrap my legs around him.

Not when he carries me to the bed, still kissing me.

Not when he comes down over the top of me, hands in my hair, knocking my ponytail askew, lips sliding from mine along my jaw, and to my ear, to that sensitive spot just behind it.

“Never anyone but you.”

I love hearing that.

And I hate it.

Because why the fuck did we go through all of this only to get right back here?

And…can I do this? Can I come back? Can I move on from all that happened?

I’m not sure that’s possible.

But I’m also not sure that I can stop myself from trying.

“Me, baby,” he says, nipping at my earlobe. “Stop thinking so hard and focus on me.”

“I don’t know if I can,” I whisper.

“Then focus on the way I make you feel,” he says against the skin of my throat. “Think about how you feel when I kiss your breasts and suck on your nipples. Think about how much you like it when I kiss along your stomach, when I part your legs and bury my face in that wet pussy of yours.”

I spread my legs, wanting that very much.

Something he notices because his mouth curves. “You want that, baby? Want my tongue inside you? My fingers fucking you?”

“I want that.” No hesitation.

Because my vagina is a little hussy, and it’s way ahead of every protective instinct in my mind and heart telling me to stop, to slow down, to think this through.

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that the future is not set in stone.

So, I don’t take the words back, but I also don’t lay there like a pillow princess. If I’m going down this path, potentially making this idiotic mistake, then the least I can do is be a full and active participant. I sit up, nudging him back from me, tugging my sweatshirt and tee off in one smooth movement. I’m left in my sports bra, but before he can reach for that, I’m grabbing his T-shirt, yanking it over his head, tossing it to the side to join the pile of my clothes.

God, I love his chest.

It’s strong and broad with the barest dusting of hair. Paired with his beard and it’s like fucking a Viking.

My Viking.
