Page 47 of Seductive Sin

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“Prison, Vannah. You can say the word. You were a parole officer, for God’s sake.”

“I just don’t like to think of you there.”

“I know you don’t, but I would go there again to save you.”

She doesn’t speak.

And damn, this woman is stronger than I give her credit for. She was raised to be traded. To be used as a bargaining chip.

That didn’t weaken her. Not by a longshot. And I know, if given the choice, she would do it again to save me.

I love her for it.

But I won’t allow it.

“I’m going to finish my workout now,” I say to her. “You go rest. Draw yourself a bath, add some Epsom bath salts.”

“There are Epsom salts here?”

“Savannah, there is everything we need here.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Are bath salts really a necessity?”

I shrug, “I would think so.”

A small smile creeps across her lips. “Did you request them specifically?

“I might have.”

She bursts into laughter.

“What is it?” I ask.

She looks me up and down. “I just…never took you for a bath guy.”

I smirk. “Because I’m a big burly manly man, I can’t enjoy a good bath now and then?”

She shakes her head quickly. “No, of course not. I just…” She looks into my eyes. “You surprise me more and more every day, Falcon. Thank you for taking care of me.”

I wrap her into a hug. “I always will, baby.” I grab her face. “And if you spent as much time on the inside as I did, you’d realize what a luxury a hot bath is. Spending every morning in the cold-ass prison gang shower with a dozen other guys isn’t the ideal way to get clean.”

“I suppose it isn’t.” She gets on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek. “All right. I’ll take a bath, soak my muscles. Then I’ll make us some lunch.”

“That sounds great. Thanks, baby.”

She grabs a towel, throws it around her neck, and leaves the gym. I don’t hear her walking up the stairs because everything is soundproofed.

But she’s safe in the safe house.

If there’s a breach, I’ll know. I continue my workout, and by the end of it, I’m tired and hungry.

I walk upstairs, expecting to see Savannah in the kitchen fixing lunch.

But she’s nowhere to be found.


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