Page 38 of Claimed

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Kim turned a page in her notepad. “Let’s discuss Jack’s education and future. Given the unique circumstances, we need to establish a clear plan. Violet believes that for Jack’s safety, a private schooling environment would be best.”

Michelle glanced at Achille before responding. “Mr. Costa has already considered this. He insists that Jack should be homeschooled, given the risks involved in attending a public or even a private school.”

I straightened. “No. Homeschoolin’ could isolate Jack. He has to have some semblance of a normal childhood. That means interactions with other kids.”

Achille leaned forward. “His safety is non-negotiable. The risks in a traditional school setting are too high. Homeschooling can be supplemented with social activities.”

Heat flared in my chest. “But what about his development? His ability to make friends, to experience a world outside of all this?”

Kim jumped in. “While we appreciate Mr. Costa’s concerns, Jack’s emotional well-being is just as important. A private school with strict security measures could be a compromise.”

Achille swept a wayward lock over his head. “The fewer people who know about him and his routines, the safer he is. That’s final.”

Kim nodded. “Then we have no further concerns.”

His lawyer’s pink nails sparkled as she stacked her notes. “Perfect. I’ll mark those changes and send the document this afternoon. Sound good?”

I raised a hand. “Um, I have something I want to add.”

My jaw clenched as his smug smile flashed across the table. He obviously thought he had me all figured out. I didn’t care. He could think whatever he wanted about me. If I was becoming a Costa, I’d enjoy the perks. All of them.

I fumbled with my words. “Could you ladies do me a favor and give me the room? I’d like to speak with my fiancé privately.”

“Of course.”

His lawyer crossed the room and opened the door. Kim followed her out, leaving us alone. We fell into a heavy silence. What I needed to ask weighed on my heart.

Achille played with a pen his lawyer had left behind, his dark eyes drinking me up. “No cheating clause, huh?”

“I’m not about to tie myself to a man who can’t be loyal to me.”

He stood, his fingers trailing the table as he moved toward me. “What else do you want from me?”

“Somethin’ I couldn’t mention in front of the lawyers.”

He leaned on my chair, a predator closing in. “Say your piece.”

“Help me find my sister’s murderer. I want the bastard who killed her gone, and I ain’t just watchin’. I’m delivering the final blow.” I stood as shock rippled over his face. “I know, it sounds crazy.”

He frowned. “Bloodthirsty, more like.”

“Will you help me or not?”

His nostrils flared. “Tell me why you have to do this.”

I held his burning stare. “Whoever did this is walkin’ around, free. I’m angry. I want justice.”


“Are you serious? He killed my sister. Jack’s mother. It wasn’t even a fair fight. He shot her in the back of the head like a coward. Left her to rot in the street.”

“I’m not asking why he deserves to die. Why do you have to kill him?”

The question lashed my cheeks with heat. “I-I made her a promise when I saw her body. That I’d hunt down the man responsible and take him down.”

“That’s a heavy weight.”

“Yes, it is. But I owe it to her.” I breathed in deeply as tears squeezed from my eyes. “She’s my best friend. My music partner. I need to do this, and I can’t do it without you.”

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