Page 11 of Gio

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She bites down on her bottom lip. “She’s mostly right. It’s like she said. He crept in here while I was sitting on the bed. You weren’t gone long before he started making accusations about me coming in here to sully this family. He was going to use me like the dirty filth that I was and that he’d leave me like the trash I was on my father’s doorstep.”

“Damn. I should have been the one to kick him down the stairs.”

“Is he dead?”

“I don’t know, but if he’s not, I’ll toss him down a couple flights.” She lets out the tiniest laugh that hits me dead in the chest. “A sense of humor is good. That means you’re not going to pass out on me.”

“I might not be like my father or his goons, but this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone roughed up.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it. That fucker came in here with the intent to hurt you and much fucking worse.”

“I’m fine.”

Chapter Six


I’m far from fine, but what can I say? Hey, Gio, I want to run but you won’t let me. I’m petrified that any one of your men will kill me or that your sister was about to sneak in the room and happened to catch him off guard. I didn’t know if she came in to do the same thing as him or what.

“We have a wedding to plan, so come on. Let’s go down and join the rest of the family before it gets any later.”

His phone rings, and he picks it up before we even reach the door. He speaks rapidly in Italian and then ends the call. “Your father is on a rampage. It seems he’s lost a great deal of money today and believes you’re the thief. The wedding will be moved up. In the next twenty minutes. I won’t have your father coming to interrupt it.”

“What? He’ll come here, looking for me?”

“Only if he wants a bullet in his head.” I gasp, pressing my hand to my lips, and Gio looks into my eyes. “Don’t think about calling him either, because I will end him in a heartbeat, Cupcake.”

I roll my damn eyes at him. “I don’t know how often I have to tell you, but I don’t want to return to my father, especially if he thinks I somehow managed to steal his money.”

He cups my chin, staring deeply into my eyes with a heated gaze, and his voice deepens, saying, “Just reminding you that you’re mine.” I should be pissed and scared about his decree, but a strange tingling centers between my legs like it has since I met this man just hours earlier.

I stare at him in return, maintaining a brave face, holding in the lust because weakness wasn’t allowed at home. He smirks and then releases his grip on my face before taking my hand and leading me from the room.

“Where are we going?”

“Downstairs to be married, unless you planned to be married in a pool of blood. Frankly, it would be fitting given our family rivalry, however, it’s to be a joyous day,” he says sarcastically. Dickhead. He’s tying my future to his like it’s nothing and treating it like a chore.

“With that fucking enthusiasm, I might as well have married the Russian,” I mutter under my breath. I regret the words as soon as they’re out of my mouth. Apparently his hearing is as good as his looks. He moves fast as lightning, spinning me around and pressing my back to the bedroom door, body firmly on mine.

His breath is hot on my skin as he breathes heavily, anger deep in his gorgeous and deadly eyes. “Did you say you’d rather marry someone else? What fucking Russian? Who the fuck else thinks he has a right to this pussy? Who thinks they have a right to what belongs to me?”

“Sorry—can’t let anyone mess with your property.”

“You are testing me, Cupcake.”

“What are you going to do, Mr. Barone? Hit me?”

“No, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll forget that bastard, and then I’m going to hunt him down and put a bullet between his eyes for giving you a second look and thinking he could take my place.” He leans in, mouth moving closer to mine. I part my lips, wanting to feel those hard, angry lips on mine, but then a knock on the door halts everything. He closes his eyes and growls, “Yes.”

“Father Anthony is here.”

“Thank you, Marco. My bride and I will be down right now.” He cups my chin and stares into my eyes. “I want the name of the Russian.”

“I want to leave town. How does it feel to want?” I add. “Unless you’d like to postpone it.”

He narrows his eyes and glares. “You’re more Moreno than I’ve given you credit for, Patricia. I’ll fix that soon.” I gasp, and then he slams his lips on mine and quickly pulls back, moving me away from the door, opening it and leading us out.

“Let’s get this show on the road. Time to fix my problems, one at a time.”
