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“Clare, they aren’t traveling by traditional means, you may not be able to follow.”

Marquin squeezed Verol’s shoulder. “Let her try.” He opened the paddock gate for her. “Be careful, but be fast. Verol’s right. You’ll need to reach them before they leave. I’ll write them a note, but they tend not to check our method of communication too regularly. I’m sorry.”

With those last two words, she realized he knew. Who Phoenix was. Or he at least suspected. Just as she knew Verol would never suspect, or probably even believe her if she told him. “Thank you.”

She vaulted onto Kialla’s back and galloped out of the stables, her entire being focused on a single, fervent hope. Don’t let me be too late.

For the first time, Clare didn’t bother with subterfuge, going directly to the front door of Numair’s house. She pounded on it and didn’t stop until a wide-eyed Ida opened the door.

“Where is he?”

Ida hesitated.


“Not here.”

Clare squeezed her hands into fists. Marquin had said he wasn’t traveling by traditional means. Would she still be able to catch him?

“How long ago? Which road did he take out of town?”

“I can’t. I’m sorry.”

Clare looked at her, this woman who had been like a second mother to Numair. Who had done her best to be there for him when no one else could. Who had been so welcoming to Clare simply because Numair liked her. A woman like that would never have let him leave without argument if she’d had any idea where he was going.

“Ida, I need you to hear me. He is going to Renault County.”

All the blood drained from the woman’s face.

“So which road did he take?”

“He didn’t,” Ida whispered. “He used a gatestone.”

Clare’s confusion prompted an explanation from the Song, a burst of understanding sending fresh fear cascading through her. “Where did he use it? Show me.”

Ida led her to the library, to an open area where Clare still felt the residual traces of magic.

“Is he going to be all right?”

“Yes. He’s going to be fine.” She refused to accept the alternative. “But I need you to do something.”

Ida nodded.

“I need you to close me in here and lock the door. Don’t let anyone in this room if you can help it. If anyone comes looking, I was never here and you don’t know where Numair is. Can you do that for me?”

“You’re going to bring him back?”


“Then I will.”

Clare’s facade of calm evaporated the moment the door closed and the lock clicked. She knelt on the floor, feeling the gatestone’s residual magic, feeling where it led, and her body shook. Chills swept her, and her stomach churned.

He couldn’t be there. After everything that had happened, after everything Renault County had ever taken from her, it couldn’t be taking him too.

She took a deep breath, opened her mind to the Song, and made her demand before she could think about it. The portal he left through—recreate it.

Silence. Then, No. It would be uncaring of me to allow you to return to that place.
