Page 27 of Secrets and Sin

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But she’d said that she was lost, as well. Was there something going on with Frankie? He’d help her if he could, but she’d have to tell him about it.

That was something that probably wasn’t going to happen. The one thing the Winslow family wasn’t comfortable with was revealing their problems and accepting help. After all, they were supposed to be the perfect family, veritable pillars of the community.

It was all a lie.

* * *

It was a beautiful day for a wedding. It was a warm, but not enough to make everyone sweaty in their best clothes. There was a slight breeze, too, and the sky was bright and blue, without a cloud in sight.

As if it would dare to rain on a Winslow wedding.

The ceremony and reception were being held in the largest building in town which was Winslow Hall on campus. It was an old building built after World War II, a bit stiff and formal for Lucy’s taste, but it could hold the hundreds of attendees without any issues.

The ceremony hall was decorated with more flowers than Lucy had ever seen in her entire life. They had to have cornered the market on white and pink roses to fill this room, and then also the reception area which was even larger.

Swags of ivory and pink fabric hung from the ceiling and framed the floor-to-ceiling windows. Tens of thousands of twinkle lights were strung everywhere, and a flower-filled arbor was at the front of the room where the happy couple would exchange vows.

Lucy had been to many weddings but never one this swanky. She’d never imagined anything like this for her own nuptials. She would have been happy with a barbecue on the beach, plus close family and a few good friends. When she was young, she’d dreamed of many things like going to Narnia and driving a flying car, but she’d never dreamed about a big wedding with all the trimmings.

It was lovely, though, and clearly Kim had put a great deal of effort into the day. The woman had excellent taste. Lucy could barely put a skirt and sweater together. Her family had joked that she only had four colors in her wardrobe, but that way they all would go together without having to put too much thought into it. Her mother had picked out her dress for today, and Lucy was wearing it with pride.

She felt a touch at her elbow, and startled, turned swiftly to see who it was.

Zack. Looking devastatingly handsome in his monochromatic black tux with a black shirt. The way it clung to his wide shoulders and tapered at the waist it was surely bespoke. His shoes were polished to a high shine, and it looked like he had perhaps put a bit of product in his wavy hair. His jaw was freshly shaven, and he smelled like delicious shampoo and body wash.

In other words, he was to die for, and she was probably drooling in front of Winslow Height’s citizenry. But then, who could blame her? Even old lady Carter was giving him a lustful once over. If she’d been forty - hell, thirty - years younger, she would have pushed Lucy aside and propositioned the poor guy.

“I thought you’d be helping your dad before the ceremony.”

“He’s got his best friend and his brother,” Zack said. “He’s fine. How about we get a drink? There’s still a bit of time before the ceremony.”

“I don’t think the bar is open until after.”

“That is a real shame.”

“Do we need to drink today to get through this?”

She wouldn’t blame him if he did.

“No, but it might help.”

The wedding coordinator was bustling around, shooing people into their seats. It was almost time.

Zack held out his hand to Lucy.

“How about we go sit down?”

She was tempted, but…

“Don’t you have to sit with your family at the front? Sam and Tate are in the second row. They’re probably saving you a seat.”

From what she could see from her vantage point at the back, Sam and Tate were saving several seats in an incredibly optimistic move. They were hoping that their brothers and sisters would all show. Sadly, they were going to be disappointed. Lucy hadn’t seen Cooper, Frankie, or Piper, and she wasn’t sure about the first two, but Piper wasn’t attending. She’d been quite vocal about it.

Sighing, his arm dropped to his side, his expression stormy.

“I suppose so. But I’ll catch up with you at the reception.”

“Don’t worry. I’m saving you a dance. I can’t wait for my feet to get stomped on. It will be the highlight of my day.”
