Page 3 of Secrets and Sin

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Was Joel spoiling for a fight? Was that what he wanted? Did he need to be able to complain to his friends that his kids were spoiled brats who acted like assholes?

“I doubt you need to do that,” Zack finally remarked. “I’m guessing everyone will be thinking about Mom tomorrow.”

“It’s been ten years—”

“Yes, I’m aware of how long it’s been. She was my mother, after all. Now you’re marrying her baby sister, and for some reason you think that we should be throwing you a ticker tape parade. Sorry to dash your hopes.”

Joel was rubbing his chin, his jaw tight with frustration.

“Just once, I’d like my family to be happy for me. I’ve found happiness after your mother left—”

“She didn’t leave,” Zack cut in, anger beginning to churn in his empty stomach. “She disappeared and was probably the victim of foul play. As you well know. The police questioned you, remember? You were suspect number one for years.”

A muscle jerked in Joel’s cheek. Zack had scored with that statement.

“I didn’t have anything to do with your mother’s disappearance, Zackary,” his father said, his tone low. “I loved your mother. But we had our issues as all married people do. But not enough to do something like that. I would never do that. I tried for years to find her, but we both know she’s probably…”

His father’s voice trailed off, so Zack finished the sentence for him.

“Dead. My mother is probably dead,” Zack said, his tone hard. “That’s why you had her declared dead.”

Joel looked up from his drink, his face pale.

“I did that so we could all heal and move on. It isn’t healthy to live in the past.”

This was all so much bullshit. Zack had moved far past the point where he tempered his feelings around his father.

“Since when have you cared about how me and my brothers and sisters feel? Christ, Dad. Do you know why it’s awkward as fuck whenever you and I are alone? It’s because we barely know one another. You were never home and when you were you were holed up in this office. We all knew we couldn’t compete with you being a big, important businessman.”

“I’ve made mistakes. I don’t deny that.”

His father didn’t sound sorry. At least to Zack’s ears.

“Of all the women in the world, you had to run after Mom’s sister. Her sister.”

“It wasn’t like that at all. Kim and I were both lonely. It just…happened.”

“Just so you know, from where I’m standing, it looks shady as hell.”

Joel jumped to his feet, his face red. He took a step forward, his hands furled into fists at his side before abruptly stopping. His father was many things - a lot of them not good - but he wasn’t a violent man. At least, Zack had never seen that side of him. Joel, however, was angry, and there were some things he wanted to say but had decided not to.

I could say a few things, too. We have that in common. Not much else.

“I know what some of the town busybodies have been saying, but I never thought my firstborn son would say it, too.”

Zack shrugged, already tired of the conversation. It was always the same. Zack would say what he thought, and his father would act all shocked as if he hadn’t heard it before.

“It’s being in New York City that’s made you this way,” Joel said. “You need to come home. Get back to your roots. You’ll see things differently when you’re here with your family.”

“It isn’t New York that’s made me this way.”

“You can come back to the firm,” Joel went on, ignoring Zack’s reply. “I’m getting close to retirement age. I can start handing you the reins. In a few years I’ll step down as CEO, retire, take Kim on a world cruise, and you’ll run the firm. It’s in your blood. Winslow’s is your legacy.”

The family financial firm had been run by a Winslow for over a hundred years. And it still would be - but not by Zack.

“What about Sam?” Zack challenged. “Did you forget that one of your sons has been toiling away at the firm since he got out of college? Sam should run the firm, Dad, not me. He’s earned it.”

“Sam will understand. It’s business. All you have to do is say the word and we’ll make it happen.”
