Page 6 of Secrets and Sin

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“Who do you think will say it? Zack? Tate? Frankie? Cooper? We know Sam won’t.”

“I’m completely lost. What are we talking about?”

“You were off in thought again,” Jane laughed, not at all insulted. “I was asking which of the Winslows are going to object during the ceremony. You know that part where the minister asks if anyone has any objections?”

“I don’t think any of them will say anything. If they object, they just wouldn’t go to the ceremony.”

“It would be so Jane Eyre-esque.”

“You’re reading too many books.”

“Pot. Kettle.”

Jane had a valid point.

“It would be dramatic,” Jane said. “This little town can get kind of boring at times.”

“Trust me. Winslow Heights has had drama. It’s better this way.”

There wasn’t anything wrong with a nice, quiet little town.

Drama was usually accompanied by its sister - Trouble. And when a town had Drama and Trouble at the same time…

It wasn’t good.


“Hey, Zack. Long time, no see. Here for your daddy’s wedding?”

Zack stopped on the sidewalk to speak to another pedestrian that had been going the opposite way. Winslow Heights wasn’t a huge town, but it also wasn’t one where he knew every citizen by name either. She looked familiar with her gray hair, blue eyes, and lined, friendly face. She obviously knew who he was, and he’d barely visited in the last ten years.

And after speaking with his father earlier, he fully remembered why.

They didn’t get along very well. It always ended up in a disagreement, and Joel Winslow simply couldn’t fathom that he could be wrong. About anything. He also assumed that he was in charge of everything and everyone around him. Zack wasn’t a kid anymore, and he’d stopped taking orders from his father a long time ago. He wasn’t going to change that any time in the future.

My family is as dysfunctional as hell.

“I am,” he replied. “I just flew in this morning. Thought I’d walk around town a bit. It’s changed some since I was here last.”

The nice lady didn’t need to know about the problems between Zack and his dad. Although the way gossip flew around this town, she might already know. He’d left the house a full twenty minutes ago. That was enough time…

“The old movie theater shut down a few years ago when Elmer Sykes retired to Florida, and they bulldozed the elementary school and built a new one. Fancy, too.”

“I drove by it this morning. It does look nice.”

They seemed to have run out of topics to discuss although he had a gut feeling she wanted to ask him more.

Like if he was happy his dad was marrying his aunt.

And how his mother would have felt about it. If she’d been here, that is.

And maybe how long he planned to stay in town.

His answers?

He didn’t have any good answers to those questions, so it was probably best if he ended the conversation quickly. The woman waved to someone else down the block before she told him to have a nice day and enjoy some of the sunshine. Summer had finally come to the little town, and it was a beautiful day. Not that he’d noticed all that much.

“You have a nice day, too.”
