Page 36 of Winds of Danger

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Somehow, they ended up hand in hand walking down the beach in the moonlight. It was incredibly romantic with the soft summer breeze, the swaying palm trees, and the light scent of hibiscus in the air. If someone had told Grant just a week ago that he’d be here like this with Mia, he would have thought they were crazy.

The encounter with Ashley hadn’t been the highlight of the evening, but Mia had been so understanding about all of it, even extending sympathy to the other woman. Grant was no monk, and he’d dated quite a bit over the years, so he wasn’t a stranger to when a relationship ended badly. Sometimes there were ill feelings on one or both sides, but he’d never been confronted with an ex while with another woman. That - it turned out - was awkward as hell.

He didn’t want Mia to think that his life was filled with drama when the fact was it was usually quite dull and boring. He liked it that way, and he knew that she did, too. One of the things they’d talked about during dinner was how she appreciated the day to day, mundane activities of going to work and then having a quiet evening at home.

“What would you say if I asked you to meet my friends Lane and Mike?”

Her question brought Grant out of his reverie, bringing him back to the here and now. It’s where he should have been all along, not letting himself get caught up in all that happened earlier and just enjoy being with her.

“I’d say yes,” he replied immediately, delighted that she wanted him to meet her friends. He wanted her to meet his family, weaving her into his life as if she’d been there forever. “I’d like you to meet my family, too. I think they’ll love you.”

“I’d like that.”

Mia stopped and turned to look up at him, her expression half-shrouded in darkness, but the other side lit up from the moon overhead. She was gorgeous…beautiful…amazing…sexy… He simply didn’t have the vocabulary for how to describe this woman who somehow felt the same way about him as he did about her. He was like a teenager with his first crush, having her constantly on his mind.

And his heart.

Right now, that heart was pounding fast, his chest squeezed tightly with emotions that he was afraid to name. Was this love? He thought he’d been in love before a few times, but this was far more. Scary, yet thrilling. Like being on a gigantic roller coaster with its ups and downs, loop-de-loops, and quick hairpin turns. If he let go of the safety railing and closed his eyes, would he survive? He was beginning to think it was a ride that he simply had to experience.

Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers, soft and feather-light. She tasted a little like the tiramisu they’d had for dessert, and he couldn’t stop himself from deepening the kiss more until they were both pressed tightly against one another. It was only when they heard laughter coming nearer that they broke apart, both of them a bit dazed from the tidal wave of passion that had crashed over them almost from the first moment they’d touched.

“Maybe we should go back to the room,” Mia suggested, her voice barely a whisper. “It would be more private.”

This was their first date, technically. He had planned on taking it slowly, not dragging her into a cave to have his wicked way with her. Privacy would be wonderful. Sort of. It was giving him all sorts of thoughts and none of them were G-rated.

His hesitation must have tipped her off to his inner struggle because she was smiling now as if he’d done something quite amusing. Since he felt like a high school dork, he probably had done something goofy.

“Grant, let’s go back to the room so we can be alone.”

Mia put emphasis on the last word, her brows raised in expectation. It finally had wound its way through his thick skull that she was inviting him up to her room, and they weren’t going to play a game of Clue.

Taking her hand, he smiled and led them up to the resort area. They didn’t say anything as they rode up in the elevator together, another couple in the car as well. Even as she unlocked the door with her keycard, they were silent.

Once the door closed and locked behind them, their restraint was all used up. They fell into one another’s arms as if they’d been separated by war for a decade. Their clothes seemed to melt away as they somehow managed to land on the mattress, the sheets cool under Grant’s heated skin.

Her skin was slightly golden from the sun and petal soft. He couldn’t get enough of touching her, gliding his fingers over her hips and up her delicate spine before tangling in her long, silky hair. She giggled when his tongue teased the spot on her neck where her pulse beat madly, and his heart twisted in response to her unbridled happiness.

She’d been down and out the last time they were together but no more. She was in a different part of her life now, and this time they’d have a chance at being together and possibly building a future.

Slowing down, they took their time exploring each other - kissing, stroking, touching, teasing. There was no hurry, no rush to the finish line. They both knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was going to be good for both of them, and they could savor every single moment in the dim light of Mia’s hotel room.

Their skin had a fine sheen of sweat when Grant rolled onto his back allowing Mia to straddle him in comfort. If he lived to be a thousand years old, he’d never forget how goddamn gorgeous and sexy she looked as she sank down on him, her walls tight and snug.

Her eyes fluttered shut and she let out a sigh of satisfaction that would have made him rock hard if he wasn’t already. As she began to move, her hair tumbled around her shoulders, the long strands playing a game of hide-and-seek with her rosy-pink nipples. It was sexy and erotic, a visual feast for his gaze.

Their movements were languid, almost lazy in the beginning as if they had not just the night but days and days ahead to simply lie around and make love. But eventually, the arousal was too much, and their movements became far more urgent as they built toward the climax.

When he couldn’t hold off any longer, he reached between them, running his thumb gently over her clit. It was all she needed, and she tumbled over, taking him with her as the strength of his orgasm shook him all the way to his soul.

He’d had sex many times in his life, but this was far more. Deeper, more emotional. It wasn’t just a few minutes of pleasure. It felt like Mia had opened up to him tonight in a way she hadn’t last time.

When it was over and they were cuddled together, Grant pulled the sheet up over their rapidly cooling skin. He didn’t have the words to express all that he’d felt tonight, but he could see the same emotions reflected in her eyes.

They were falling in love.

* * *
