Page 116 of Rival Darling

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The parking lot had transformed as I made my way outside. The storm that had swept through town earlier in the day had blown over, but the entire lot was now covered in a new blanket of snow. It was like a fresh canvas, waiting for new footprints to pave their way across it. And as I looked out at the snow, I couldn’t help but feel like Reed and I were getting a fresh start too. Today felt like a new beginning, a chance to create new memories and leave some of the more painful ones behind. And I was excited to see where our footprints would lead us next.

Unfortunately, Jeremy found me while I was waiting for Reed. His face twisted in a scowl as he made his way toward me. I thought he might have snuck off in shame after Sunshine Prep’s defeat, but apparently that was just wishful thinking.

“He’ll be done with you now he’s got what he wanted,” Jeremy said.

I didn’t get a chance to respond because Reed arrived at my side, placing his arm across the back of my shoulders. “Actually, I think we’re just getting started,” he said. “Aren’t we, Sunshine?”

“I’d say so.” I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “You were amazing out there, by the way.”

“There was a girl in the stands I was trying to impress.”

Jeremy scoffed and hitched his hockey bag up on his shoulder. “I don’t know what I ever saw in you anyway, Violet.” His words might have been harsh, but there was regret evident in his eyes. He walked away without looking back, and as I watched him leave, I breathed a little easier. I didn’t think Jeremy would be bothering me again. It seemed Reed and I had finally achieved the goal I’d set out to accomplish with our fake relationship. In the end though, it had taken something real to get the job done.

Reed pulled me a little closer as he gazed down at me. “I think I could easily come up with a list of things he saw in you.”

“I don’t need a list.” I laughed.

“Are you sure? Because I’m more than happy to write one up and pass it on to him.”

“Maybe we should just leave it at humiliating him on the ice today.”

“Hmm. Maybe we probably shouldn’t talk about humiliations on the ice for a while, considering my little mid-game show.”

I grinned.

“But, you’re right, that did feel pretty good.” Reed returned my smile. “Do you know what would feel even better?”


“This.” As he leaned down and pulled me in for a kiss, light flurries of snow began to flutter down around us. The moment was kind of perfect, and for the first time since I’d moved to Sunshine Hills, I didn’t mind the cold. I’d changed my mind about a lot of things today. It turned out the cold had its own beauty, hockey was kind of addictive, and hockey players weren’t so bad after all—well, one of them, at least.



I once again found myself stuck in the living room of Violet’s house speaking with her uncle Luke. We might have reached a tentative truce when it came to Violet, but I still got the feeling he had to bite his tongue now and again. At least he hadn’t threatened me tonight. Although, there was still plenty of time for that.

“I hear you had quite an eventful game today,” Luke said.

“Yes, sir.”

“Please call me Luke.”

“Yes, sir, uh, Luke.”

Luke was struggling to withhold a smile. “Sir Luke.” He pondered it for a moment. “I kind of like the sound of that.”

I grinned in reply.

“I know I teach at Sunshine Hills Prep, but I have to admit I was glad to hear you gave us a beating on the ice.”

“You are?”

He lowered his voice. “Just between you and me, the boys on our team have serious egos. I think it was about time they got put in their place.”

“I think so too,” I agreed. One guy in particular, but I didn’t say that aloud. I was still furious with Hoffman and hated him a little more for the way he’d tried to destroy my relationship with Violet and completely throw off my game. It did make the win so much sweeter though. I was never going to forget the sight of him sitting in the penalty box with his head in his hands as we celebrated our victory.

“She shouldn’t be too much longer,” Luke said, nodding toward the stairs.
