Page 35 of Rival Darling

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I did my best to ignore him, but it was a little difficult when he was leaning against the locker next to mine, watching me search for my books mere inches away.

“Please,” he said. “Can we just talk for a sec?”

I stubbornly kept my gaze on the contents of my locker. “What’s there to talk about? We’re over.”

“Come on, Vi. Don’t be like that. We belong together, you know that. Yes, I messed up, but you’ll get over it.”

My blood started to boil, thick and hot with anger. I couldn’t believe the nerve of him. He’d been openly flirting with another girl in the cafeteria moments ago. Was he seriously delusional enough to think he still had a chance with me? Any talk of us getting back together needed to come to an end, so I turned to him.

“Jeremy, you cheated on me. If that’s not a sign we don’t belong together, then I don’t know what is. I’m not over it. I don’t plan to get over it. We’re done, and nothing is going to change that.”

He visibly winced. “How many times do I have to tell you it was a mistake? I’d had a few drinks, and I wasn’t thinking. I would never do that to you again.”

“I know,” I said. “Because I won’t give you the chance.”

“Violet.” His voice grew lower and shook slightly, revealing the intensity of his emotions. “I fell for you this summer, and you’re the only girl I want to be with. I know I’m not perfect, but give me a chance, and I’ll show you I can be better.”

“I fell for someone this summer too,” I replied. “But it wasn’t the guy standing before me.”

My hands were shaky as I shoved my books into my bag. Did he really have to stand so close while he professed his feelings for me?

“I’m still the same guy,” he insisted.

He reached for me again, but I stepped back from him. “Just leave me alone, Jeremy.”

He grunted, and the tenderness in his eyes vanished. “I can see you’re still angry,” he said flatly. “And I’m trying to be understanding, but I can only be patient for so long.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing this week? Being patient?”

“You need to get over this, Vivi. Or you will lose me. And like I told you before, you’ll regret it.”

“My name is Violet. And I’m quite sure I’ll never regret it.” I slammed my locker shut and walked away before Jeremy could get another word in.

He must have lost his mind if he thought I’d get back with him. Especially when the way he’d acted this week made me question if he’d ever cared about me at all. Did he honestly believe that parading around school with other girls would make me reconsider? That I could get over him cheating so fast?

More importantly, was I seriously going to miss a night out with my friends to curl up with a tub of ice cream and mourn the loss of this jerk? The bonfire was looking more and more appealing. And I refused to let a stupid hockey player ruin another night for me.

I just had to ignore the fact it had been a certain rival hockey captain that had invited me to the bonfire in the first place.



“Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m not.” I didn’t look at Parker as I answered, keeping my eyes locked firmly on the road ahead.

“You look more nervous than a beauty queen who’s waiting for the judges to announce the winner of the pageant.”

I rolled my eyes. Mom had been watching some Miss World-style pageant on TV last night, and although Parker had complained about it, he’d clearly been paying attention.

“I must not look nervous at all then,” I replied. “Those beauty queens are masters of composure.”

“I never said you were a good beauty queen.” Parker smirked in response.

I cursed Grayson for deciding to drive Paige to the bonfire party tonight, leaving me stuck with the world’s most annoying sibling. Luckily, we’d just arrived at the Doyles’ property, so I wouldn’t be trapped for much longer. I turned off the engine and eagerly jumped from the vehicle. It was a cloudless night, so the air was crisp and cold. I welcomed the chill though; at least I was no longer cooped up with Parker.

“You’re nervous because your girlfriend might be here tonight, right?” It seemed there was no escaping Parker as he walked around the front of the truck to join me. He’d been badgering me about Violet the entire way here, and I seriously wished he’d never found out about her.
