Page 68 of This is How I Lied

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“Shut up!” Henry screamed. “You’re lying! Get out of my house!”

“Eve found out and was going to tell and Maggie killed her.” Nola laid a hand on his arm and he shook it away. “I’m telling you this for your own good, Henry. Your daughter did a bad thing. She smashed Eve’s head against the ground over and over and over and then squeezed the life out of her.”

“No!” Henry shouted and grabbed a picture frame from atop his desk and flung it toward Nola. His aim wide, it smashed against the wall behind her. She didn’t even flinch.

“Come on, Henry,” Nola taunted. “We both know that Maggie is no angel. You saw the way she acted the night Eve died. You can’t tell me that it didn’t cross your mind that Maggie knew more than she was letting on.” Something flickered in Henry’s eyes. Something sheepish and guilty looking. Nola stepped over the broken glass to get a better look.

“You knew,” Nola whispered in disbelief. “You knew Maggie was the one who killed Eve and you didn’t do anything about it. You protected her.”

Henry shook his head. “No, no,” he said over and over again. “That’s not true.”

But Nola knew the truth. None of the physical evidence pointed toward Maggie. Not one bit of DNA implicated Maggie because her father, the chief of police, was there to sweep it all away.
