Page 75 of Caught on Camera

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“You make me happy too, Shawn. I’m always going to see you, even when you have trouble seeing yourself. In your dark moments, I’ll be there. Don’t ever forget that.”

We dance until the snow accumulates on the ground around us, and I’ve never been more at peace.



I climbinto bed with a glass of red wine and my vibrator.

After a long day at work, I need some self-care.

I love what I do, but sometimes the hours get to me. Today was one of those afternoons, another shift where we were understaffed and had a waiting room full of kids who needed to be seen. I stayed late to finish up the last appointments, and I’m glad to be off my feet.

I settle back against my pillows and take a sip of my drink before setting it down on the bedside table. I grab my vibrator and smile as I hold the toy in my hand. I’ve been worked up since the Titans’ Christmas party when I climbed into Shawn’s lap. It was another mistake, and I seem to be on a kick of making poor decisions.

He’s out of town this weekend for an away game though, so at the very least I can behave myself until he gets home Sunday night.

I click on the toy and move it slowly over the silk tank top I put on after my bubble bath. I drag it across my nipples and sigh. I like sex, but I’ve always loved foreplay so much more. It’s intimate, a chance to get to know your partner and learn what they like.

So many people rush toward the end goal, but I like being teased. Being brought close to the edge yet not falling totally over. I like when someone takes their time with me. Touches me everywhere andsavorsme.

Like Shawn did.


I’m not allowed to think about him.

I shake my head and clear my mind. Pleasure pricks my skin as I move the toy down my stomach. When I bring it to the front of my silk shorts on the lowest setting, I moan as I find the spot I like the most.

I’m pulled from the moment when my phone rings on the mattress beside me. I let out a frustrated sound and grab it off the bed, seeing Shawn’s name on the screen.

“Shit.” I click off the toy and set it next to my wine. “Hey,” I answer, and I hope I don’t sound out of breath. “How’s Cleveland?”

“Boring,” he says. “The best part of this town is a restaurant where you can build your own tacos. I had seven for lunch.”

“You didn’t make it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? That’s like a cultural landmark.”

“Already been. I can only learn about the history of the Rolling Stones so many times.”

“True.” I laugh and prop myself up on an elbow. “The fourth or fifth time might make you a groupie.”

“Exactly. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

“Isn’t Cleveland in the same time zone as D.C.?”

“Yeah, it is, but if you’ve had a day like me, you’d feel like it was midnight, too.”

“No. I just got in bed with a glass of wine. What happened? Is everything okay?”

“Dallas’ leg is bothering him, so he might be out on Sunday. Jett has food poisoning, and he barfed his brains out on the flight over. I’ll be shocked if he can play. One of my assistant coaches admitted to me they’re in a relationship with a player on another NFL team, and my mother keeps trying to get me—us, I guess—to come down a day earlier when I can’t,” Shawn says. “It’s just… when it rains, it pours.”

“Shit.” I sit up and cross my legs. “What does that mean for your assistant coach? Are players allowed to date coaches?”

“Nope. Definitely not allowed. It’s antiquated, but those are the rules. We’re trying to figure out how to handle it going forward, but she’s scared, and that sucks. You have to pick between the person you love or your job? Everyone’s a consenting adult. Who cares who’s fucking who?” He sighs, and I swear I can feel his exhale through the phone. “Sorry. I don’t mean to unload all of this on you.”

“You’re not unloading; you’re telling me about your day. That’s what friends do.”

“Thanks, Lace. Enough about me. How was your day?” he asks.
