Page 76 of Caught on Camera

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“Fine, yeah. I had a long day at work, but nothing too terrible. I made some pasta for dinner, took a bubble bath, now I’m in bed with a glass of wine and—” I stop short of mentioning my toy. “And it’s the perfect night.”

“Sounds like it. Any fun plans this week?”

“This week is so busy. There’s game night with Maggie and Aiden and the hospital gala.”

“Then it’s almost time for our trip.”

“You’re coming to game night, right? I know we lose every week, but I can’t be the third wheel with the lovebird couple.”

“I’ll be there. Those two are really obsessed with each other, aren’t they? And to think, we’re the ones who kind of set them up.”

“Imagine if you didn’t volunteer Aiden for that photo shoot,” I say.

“And imagine if you didn’t encourage Maggie to flirt with him. He was over the moon when she gave him attention.”

“It makes me happy. They’re both good people, and I’m glad they found each other. We make fun of them, but I think they have what we’re all searching for, right? True love and someone who would set the world on fire for us. That’s special.” I sigh, and I’m sure I sound like a kid reading a fairy tale. Caught up in the idea of a happily ever after I’m not sure I’ll ever have. “This got really deep, didn’t it?”

Shawn laughs. “Yeah, it did. I’m happy for them, too, though. Those two are going to last forever.”

“Hang on. Let me grab my wine and we can toast to them.” I reach over and lift my glass off the bedside table. As I do, I knock my vibrator to the floor and it turns on. “Dammit.”

“What was that?”


“It sounded like something. Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine. All good over here.”

“Are you sure? It was pretty loud.”

“It’s my vibrator,” I blurt out. “It, uh, fell when I was getting my wine.”

The other end of the phone is quiet. I down half my wine before shoving the glass aside. I think Shawn might have hung up, but then I hear his breathing hitch.

“Were you using it?” he asks, and his voice takes on a different tone.

It’s lower now, and silky smooth. It matches what he sounded likethat night, and I’m transported back to his penthouse apartment, his hand around my neck and his mouth everywhere.

“I was before you called,” I whisper.

“Why’d you stop?”

“I couldn’t exactly keep going when I was talking to you.”

Shawn is quiet again before he says, “you could use it.”


“You could use it with me on the phone.”

“I’m—that’s…” I take a deep breath and close my eyes. “You want me to?”

“It wouldn’t go against our agreement, would it?” he asks, and I flop back against my pillows. “I’m not the one doing it to you. You are.”

I squirm on the sheets as I listen to his loophole, and I like the logic. “Okay. Do you want to watch?”

“Fuck,”he breathes out, and it’s a strangled word. “I’d love to watch.”
