Page 120 of Behind the Camera

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I hate the way she says it like that, like it’s her defining quality, and I want to blurt out that she’s so much more.

She’s a role model. A leader. A teacher.

She’s compassionate and kind. Funny and sarcastic. Loud, all the time, but the kind of loud that makes me hate the quiet.

She’s beautiful. A complete show-stopper when she wears makeup and flowy little dresses that show off her legs. But she’s also gorgeous when I drag her into the shower. When I wash her hair and smudge her lipstick off with my thumb.

She’s the reason for all of my good days.

“Dallas will need to rest for a day or two, and you’ll need to keep an eye on him,” Jordan says. “After that, he can get back to short walks and watching television. Only Tylenol during the first twenty-four hours, then you can move on to Advil, if needed. He should be close to normal by day three, but monitor symptoms. If things get worse, you need to get to the emergency room.”

“Is there anything we should avoid?” Maven asks, and she rests her elbows on her knees. “Things that might make the concussion worse?”

“Bright lights. Loud sounds. He’s wincing right now and doesn’t even realize it.” Jordan chuckles. “Don’t push the recovery. It doesn’t take long, but you have to let the brain heal.”

“Got it.” She stands up and smiles. “Thank you, Doctor.”

Jordan glances at Shawn. “Want to meet me at the desk and I’ll get the paperwork for you all to sign?”

“Sounds good.” Shawn clasps my shoulder. “Glad you’re alright.”

“Would you miss me, Coach?” I tease, and he pinches me.

“Not in the fucking slightest.” He gives Maven a quick hug. “You doing okay?”

“Better now,” she says. “Thank you.”

He hums. “No practice until Wednesday. We’ll start the concussion protocol then.”

“Wednesday?But that means I won’t be ready for Sunday’s game.”

“You’re not playing.”

“My streak?—”

“You’ll start a new one. Non-negotiable, Lansfield,” Shawn says, and he walks out.

“I’m sorry,” Maven whispers, and she squeezes my hand.

“It’s not your fault.” I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “Will you give me a second? I’ll meet you in the hall.”

“Sure.” She smiles and slips out of the room.

“Here’s my card if you need anything,” Jordan says when we’re alone. “Like I said, you’ll be fine in a few days.”

“Thank you. And thank you for not saying anything to Shawn.”

“Don’t mention it. You’re lucky to have someone like her. You’re clearly very important to her.”

“She is to me, too. Do you have someone?”

“Nah.” He gives me a sad smile. “I did, once upon a time. But I left the small town in Colorado for the big city, and she stayed put.”

“Shit. Sorry, man.”

“It happens.”

I pull my jersey over my head. “Do you have a Sharpie I can borrow?” Jordan hands me one, and I sign my name over mynumber. When I’m finished, I hand it to him. “Appreciate you looking out for me. Y’all are superheroes.”
