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Since he called me that, I had no choice but to return his gaze. When I did, he dropped his head and rubbed the back of his neck. I didn’t know what he wanted to say, but his stalling only made my stomach ache.

“All right,” he blurted, nodding as if he’d come to terms with something as he started the engine. “It’s as I thought.”


“You and what I plan to do about you.”

I frowned, worrying that I had upset him by making him drive or something. “I’m sorry we came this far for nothing.”

He raised his head. “It wasn’t for nothing.”

But it was.

“It’s going to be okay, Red. You’ll see.” He placed his hand on my knee for a mere second, just enough to squeeze, before palming the steering wheel. I swallowed nervously as goose bumps broke out over my flesh. He tried to comfort me, I believed, but my body was thrumming from the brief touch.


The music filled the silence. I was free to zone out as he drove, and I did until my phone rang. Picking it up from my lap, I felt Hudson’s gaze on me as I answered. “Hello, beautiful.”

Hudson stiffened and turned the music down quickly.

“Please tell me you’re stopping in and seeing me before you head back.”

I closed my eyes and held my forehead. Shit. I texted Holly and told her I would be grabbing my things from the apartment. I promised I’d visit her.

“I’m sorry. We’re already heading back. I completely forgot.”

“What’s wrong? Your voice is pathetic.”

I scoffed. “Pathetic? Wow. Thanks. Just what I needed.”

“Did Michael try something again? I thought you were staying with someone else until he left your brother’s.”

“It wasn’t Michael. I’ve not seen him since last year.” When I kicked him in the sack.

“Then what is it?”

“My things were destroyed. Everything. The washer and dryer Eddie gave me weren’t in the apartment or the dumpster. I’m guessing someone stole them.”

“Everything was destroyed?”

“Everything.I lost my books…” I trailed off when I felt that familiar tingle in my nose. Remembering I was in the truck with Hudson, I took a deep breath. I refused to cry again.

Static hit my ear as Holly breathed into the phone. “I’m sorry, Genie.”

“It’s fine. I needed a fresh start. It looks like I’m getting one.”

“I don’t like you being so far away.”

“As soon as I get a place, you’re going to come see me,” I said.

“Of course.”

I stole a glimpse at Hudson, who was focused on the road. “Listen, I’ll call you later. Okay?”

“You haven’t told me much about this Hudson guy, Genie. With your luck, I’m worried.”
