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“It’s been a year since we opened. As long as you dressed neatly, I allowed you to wear what you wanted, but we’re growing. It’s time for uniforms. I need everyone’s sizes because I plan to order some shirts. As for pants, we can stick with black or brown. I’m not picky as long as you’re clean for the customers.”

He stood just as quickly as he had sat down. I crossed my arms.

“That’s it. Jot down your shirt size, and I’ll get them ordered.”

As soon as he left the room, Georgianna groaned. “This came out of nowhere. He’s never cared before.”

My heartbeat roared in my ears.Was the change because of me?

I left the restaurant before Hudson did. Usually, it took him about twenty minutes to get home. While I waited for him, I sat on the couch and petted Max.

When he did, I opened my mouth, then clamped it shut. He had shopping bags in his hand. I straightened my spine when he came my way.

He squatted in front of me and pulled out a black T-shirt and pajama bottoms. “Theseare what you can wear around the house.” He took out several more sets. “I ordered you some more.”

“You orderedmore?” He placed seven sets on my lap. I noticed the torn off price tags, which only made it worse. “You shouldn’t have gotten me these.”

“You were never going to buy them yourself,” he explained.

“Thanks, but you shouldn’t have.”

He hesitated. “Did I get the right size?”

My gaze zeroed in on the silky pink set similar to his. “Yeah.”

“You’re not happy,” he stated.

I met his gaze and let my shoulders droop. “You really shouldn’t have.”

“It’s just a few pairs of pajamas,” he said as he removed a blow-dryer from a different bag.

“I’ll never use that,” I said truthfully. “I never used the one I had.”

Determination flashed in his eyes. “It will be used.”

Changing the subject, I asked, “Did you decide on the shirts at work because of me?”

“No.” When I huffed, he continued. “Now, if you meant I decided to order the uniforms quicker because of you, then the answer is yes.”

I rolled my eyes. “Unbelievable.”

“I’m keeping you from…” He lifted his hands and mimicked having a pair of boobs. “Doing anything unnecessary.”

Hudson was being irrational. If I hadn’t been honest when he asked what I’d been doing, he would have never known. I was merelythinkingabout it.

“I have plenty of low-cut shirts I wear. Are you going to confiscate my clothes now, roommate?”

He flicked his gaze over me briefly, and heat stirred low in my stomach.

“Wear them,please.”

Goosebumps pebbled on my skin at the way his voice deepened. The tingling in my stomach dipped lower, and my clit throbbed.

“I’m sure you’ll look nice by my side when you do.”

My mouth dropped open as he stood, taking the pajamas from me. I didn’t know what to think of the man, but my body sure as fuck did. My libido wasn’t as dormant as I pretended it to be.

“I’m going to wash these for you,” he stated.
