Page 53 of One Percent of You

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Dad’s eyes did that squinty thing when he took in Elijah. Elijah stood when he saw Lucy and Dad coming. “Lucy.” Elijah smiled and scooped her up the moment she jumped into his arms.

Dad said, “I think Eli’s cutting some teeth already. Been a bit grumpy today. See Mommy? Is that who you want?” he cooed at Eli who was fussing worse since he saw me. He immediately calmed when Dad placed him in my arms. He was looking for his milk supply.

“Did you miss me?” I asked him, tapping his nose. I remembered Elijah and Dad and turned my attention to them. “Dad, this is my neighbor Elijah.”

Elijah extended his hand, and Dad took it, studying his arm but otherwise saying nothing. Thank fudge! “Nice to meet you.”

“That was kind of you to pick up Hadley,” Dad told him. I could tell he was fishing for information.

I made a noise in my throat. “It was.”

“What time do I need to pick you guys up in the morning?” Dad asked.

“There’s no need. I told Hadley I’d take them wherever they needed to go.”

Dad’s eyes widened as he watched Elijah bend down and study the car seat again, with a determined grimace on his face. “Now how does this thing go…”
