Page 120 of Loyalty

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A pergola filtered sunshine over the table in the courtyard, and Franco had called a breakfast meeting of thecapiof the Fiorvanti family, in the wake of Bruna’s murder. He had taken to heart Signora Esposito’s advice, if not her threat to quit, and he was going to restore the shaken loyalty of his men. Hiscapihad eaten their fill, and now it was time to put more bread on their table.

Franco stood up. “Gentlemen, good morning. Thank you again for your condolences at Donna Bruna’s funeral. This is a difficult time, and I appreciate your sympathy.”

“You’re welcome,” one of thecapireplied, and the others joined in. “We’re sorry for your loss.”

“We have a family business, but it’s not always about business. Today, it’s about family. I called you here to tell you something personal. What I saw at the funeral opened my eyes. I saw each and every one of you, and your wives, grieving with Don Roberto and me. It made me appreciate you, anew.”

Heads nodded around the table.

“The success of the Fiorvanti family is due to you. So I’ve decided to increase the percentage of your shares, from now on. You will keep an additional ten percent on the fees you collect, going forward. Thisextra payment will come out of my share, not Don Roberto’s. I want you to know how much I appreciate your loyalty.”

“Thank you, Don Franco!” Thecapierupted into applause, and Franco could see that the gesture, and the money, had done the trick. But today would be his easiest hurdle, and Roberto’s army would come later.

Franco smiled. “Men, we prosper together in the Fiorvanti family. That’s what I want you to know, after this tragic event. We’re heartbroken to see my beloved brother in such grief. When he comes home, we’ll help him put this behind him. We’ll go forward into the future, to even greater success.”

“Bravo!” thecapichorused. “Thank you!”

Franco opened his arms. “You’re welcome! And now, let’s get to work!”

“Sebastiano!” Franco caught up withhim by the purple bougainvillea beside the villa.

“Yes?” Sebastiano turned, and if he harbored any ill will over the lie he’d told about Franco’s whereabouts, he hid it better than Signora Esposito. His expression showed his characteristic reserve, which Franco valued. Sebastiano had dark eyes and a strong nose and mouth, but his features never betrayed his emotions.

“How do you think our meeting went?”

“Very well, Don Franco.” Sebastiano nodded, and his black curls blew in the breeze. “Thank you for the increase. It was very generous of you, and everyone was delighted, as they should be.”

“I have more in store for you.” Franco clapped him on the arm. “We go back a long time. I remember hiring you on the piazza that day. You were a skinny orphan, but stronger and smarter than all of them.”

“I had to be.”

“I know.” Franco’s regard for Sebastiano had increased over the years.Thecapodidn’t hesitate to carry out even the most ruthless order, and Franco would never want him as an enemy. “Sebastiano, I need to confide in one man, above all others. I always have Don Roberto, but I need someone directly involved with my side of the business. I need aconsigliere, a counselor. I want that man to be you.”

Sebastiano’s dark eyes flared briefly. “Don Franco, I’m at your disposal.”

“Excellent, then.” Franco extended a hand, and Sebastiano shook it, smiling in his tight way.

“I’m honored.”

Franco knew he was making the right decision, even if wasn’t for the right reason. “Now, let me tell you what I have planned for tonight. It’s highly unusual....”

Evening came quickly, and thecourtyard behind the villa was transformed to host a dinner of a very different kind. It was only for women. Elvira sat at the head of the table, and the guests were the wives of Roberto’s top soldiers. The latest delicacies had been served, the swordfish glazed with blood orange, tuna with lemons and parsley, and breast of chicken with sweet Marsala wine, bottled in the nearby town of the same name.

Franco was out of sight, watching from the window. Wives were rarely invited anywhere alone, but he had gotten permission from their husbands, who worked at night anyway. Their children made a racket in the living room, eating with Franco’s children. The wives had almost finished their meal, and they talked animatedly, each in her best black dress, still mourning Donna Bruna.

Signora Esposito nodded to Franco, cueing him. He left the house and entered the courtyard, smoothing down his dark suit. The wives quieted as he approached, glancing at each other and pursing their lips. He could feel their tension, and he braced himself for his performance, which had to be convincing.

Franco reached Elvira and kissed her cheek, catching a trace of her floral perfume. “Good evening, dear.”

“Franco.” Elvira looked up at him with a smile he knew well, recognizing him for who he was, her powerful husband.

Franco eyed the women around the table. “Ladies, thank you for coming to our home. I hope you enjoyed your dinner, and I will speak only briefly. We remain in mourning for Donna Bruna, but Donna Elvira wanted you to come to dinner tonight, as a personal thank-you, from us.”

The wives listened, and some nodded, but none dared to speak.

“Donna Elvira and I are heartbroken by Donna Bruna’s death, but no one is more heartbroken than Don Roberto and my nephew Patrizio. I think you all know how close I am to my twin, my best friend, and how much I adore Patri.” Franco put his hand on Elvira’s shoulder. “Donna Elvira and I will do everything possible to help them when they return. We’ll give them all the love in our hearts. I have always understood the importance of family, but never more so than now.”
