Page 16 of Craving The Chase

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“I do smile. But I have to admit, I haven’t had much to smile about lately.” Why did I just say that?He’s a patient Chase, not your friend.

“Has someone hurt you?” The thumb that was rubbing my lips is now caressing my jaw, and his eyes are now focused on mine.

“No. Yes. I-I, Noah I can’t talk to you about this.”

“You can tell me anything, Chase. Who knows, maybe I can help,” he says with a boyish grin that makes my heart skip a beat.

“No. I can’t. I’m already walking a fine line by having coffee with you right now. Shit. This needs to stop, Noah. I could lose my job. This flirting and touching needs to end,” I say, and I’m shocked I was able to say the words without grimacing. Because it’s the last thing I want to do.

“You worry too much, Chase. If you allowed yourself to just enjoy what feels good, those smiles would be more common in your life.”

“Noah,-please stop,” I say, trying to keep in control. But he just rams through the walls I’m trying to maintain to keep our interactions within the patient/therapist boundaries.

“God, I want you so much,” he whispers as he moves his hand to the back of my head and grips onto my hair. I lean into the warmth of the touch, so desperate to be held. The noise of the coffee shop has gone, all that’s left is our breaths and heartbeats. The aura around us has shifted, and it confirms that Noah will forever change my life. It has yet to be seen if that will be positive or if it will destroy me, but as I sit here, watching this gorgeous man, it’s hard to find any fucks to give.

“Soon,” he says, before rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb and then slides his hand down to my throat, squeezing it with all the promises of destruction. And just like that, he stands and leaves me in a puddle of desire and confusion as he walks away. It takes a couple of minutes for what he said to register as my eyes widen. What does he mean by soon?



“What the fuck do you want?” I ask Linc, who’s standing in my kitchen when I arrive home. I need to sort out this lock situation. I don’t appreciate anyone being in my home. Especially uninvited.

“Your father has been trying to contact you. He needs you to go home,” he says.

“I don’t have a home and tell him to go fuck himself. Why didn’t he come here? Scared of his son?” I ask with a chuckle. Dad is such a little prick, sending Linc to do his work for him.

I stand opposite Linc, with the kitchen island in between us. He pulls out his gun, and the urge to roll my eyes is hard to fight.

“What? You’re gonna shoot me?” I ask with sarcasm lacing my words as I prowl around the island towards him. “I thought my daddy wanted to talk? Can’t do that if I’m dead.”

I close the gap between us.

“I don’t have to kill you, just injure you. You need to go home.” He tries to assert dominance, pushing the metal barrel to my forehead. I lean into it, pushing Linc until his back hits the countertop.

“I’d love to see you try, old man,” I say, before whipping out the knife that's snuggly lodged in the waistband of my jeans and stabbing it straight into his thigh. He lurches in shock and shakes, dropping the gun to the ground as he bends over, holding onto his leg. I push him back up and apply more pressure to the lodged knife.

“You really are a pathetic piece of shit. Now you wanna get the fuck out, or shall I aim the knife higher,” I snarl. There’s a wet squelching noise as I remove the knife. Blood oozes from the wound like a low pressure tap. Linc groans and grabs his thigh harder as blood pours all over his hand and all over my fucking floor.Great. I should’ve thought this through.

“Y-you will pay f-for this,” he cries as he staggers to the door, cell phone in hand no doubt to call my father or an ambulance. He leaves a trail of blood along my floor,fucker, now I gotta clean this shit up. I slam the door behind him, hoping that he collapses and dies in the hallway, which he won’t. Would serve him right though, for invading my apartment.

Returning to the kitchen, I wash off my knife and place it back into my jeans. I dig out all my cleaning products to get rid of this mess before the blood fucking stains my nice hardwood floors.

After about an hour of cleaning my apartment and the damn hallway where he kindly left a drips of blood to the elevator, I shower off and order takeout before I settle down for my afternoon nap. I need to power up for my nightly visit to Chase’s house. This routine is so familiar to me now, that it brings a moment of peace to all the madness in my brain. My phone vibrates and I don’t need to look to know it’s daddy dearest. But instead of ignoring him, I answer. The joy of hearing him angry and frustrated is just too much fun to miss.

“Hello,” I answer. I don’t think I have ever said hello to him before.

“Don’t hello me, you fucking meathead! What the fuck do you think you were doing stabbing Linc? He’s in the hospital, you piece of shit. Get your ass over here before I come over there and end you myself. I’m embarrassed you’re my son.”

“Is that supposed to hurt me? I don’t give enough of a shit about you to care if you’re embarrassed or not. And why don’t you come over here? You’re weak, that's why. It's your fault Linc was hurt.”

Silence meets me, which is surprising since he always has something to say. Intuition kicks in. Something has happened. It would explain why he’s so panicked to have me come to his house.

“Ahhh, are you in some kind of trouble? You can tell me, I won’t laugh. Must be pretty bad if you need me to come home.” I chuckle, and I’m sure he makes a snarling sound.

“I need Wade to be taken care of. It's important I have this deal, Noah. It's a must for this family. Don’t you care about your mother?”

“No. Couldn’t give a shit about any of you.”
