Page 15 of Craving The Chase

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I’m losing my mind. This is the fifth morning in a row where I have woken up to find cum on my dick. It can’t be normal to have this many wet dreams as a grown man, right? Everything feels like it's in a blurry mist like my body has lost control of all its senses. It's bad enough that most of my thoughts are about Noah, but now I’m imagining his scent around me. It’s like he’s everywhere: in my home, my office, my mind, like my blood has been drained from my body and replaced with his. Christ, what is wrong with me? Is this the start of a breakdown?

Talking to myself as I pour another coffee in my kitchen only confirms that I’m on the verge of being declared insane. Am I actually in the right frame of mind to go to work today to help others? Clearly I need to help myself. Needing some time to gather my thoughts before I leave for work, I move over to the bay window in the living room and look out at the street. It's so quiet here. I notice my neighbors across the way gathering their kids into their car, about to start their day, and then I see something else in my peripheral vision. An idle black car on the road, which I’ve seen before. My eyes focus on it, and if I squint hard enough, I’m sure I can see a figure in the driver'sseat. Hmm, maybe it's a family visiting one of the neighbors. Brushing it off, I rinse out my mug in the sink, and with the sigh and attitude of a school kid, I trudge to the door and get into my car and head off to work.Fuck this life.

Halfway into my journey, I check my rearview mirror as I go to switch lanes, only to see that black car that was outside my house behind me. I’m positive it's the same car. Unease takes over me, and I press my foot down on the accelerator. Goosebumps slowly raise across my skin. Call it intuition, but my senses are telling me this is off, is this person following me? I turn off the highway earlier than I should, quietly praying that they continue to drive past me. But no such luck. They’re right behind me. My heart rate starts to spike with fear, who the fuck is this and why are they following me? Have they been stalking my house? Is it a neighbor? A coincidence?

My car picks up speed and the black car keeps up with me and I don't know where to go or what to do. The driver is hard to make out as I can't see anything but a black shadow outline, like their face and head are covered. I should find the nearest police station, but what if I’m just being paranoid? Maybe they just happen to be going in the same direction.

I pull over to the side of the road, which is the dumbest idea, but I never claimed to have the best ideas. As I halt to a stop, the black car slows down to a crawl and passes me. I don’t want to look, but I do anyway. All I can see is a dark outline in the driver's seat behind the slightly tinted windows, but I can feel their eyes on me. My hands are glued to the steering wheel, I’m frozen in place with terror. Seconds feel like hours before they speed away and I gulp down the air around me in relief.

Then another horrifying thought flits through my brain, what if I was followed down that street that night and this was the same person? Fuck.

As predicted,work is mundane, and I just want to hightail it out of there. I’m still keyed up after this morning with the mystery black car, and it’s making my paranoia run on overdrive. I need a distraction. I use my lunch break to scour through Grindr, which I haven't used since before I was with Wade. Hopefully, I can match myself up with a quick fuck and get rid of this sexual energy.

Needing to stretch my legs and get some air, I leave work and walk down the street to our local coffee shop. When I walk inside, the smell of coffee and fresh baked goods smacks me in the face and causes my stomach to growl. It's such a quaint little place, all hippy vibes with crystals and incense adorning the decor. At the counter, I’m met by a sprightly young lady with long blonde curly hair and a cute face that exudes friendliness and warmth with her dimpled smile.

“Hi, what can I get for you today?” she asks, and it prompts my stomach to growl again in protest at the lack of food.

“Can I get a large vanilla latte and a blueberry muffin to go, please?” I ask, removing my credit card from my wallet.

“You got it,” she replies and turns to make my drink, bagging the largest muffin I’ve ever seen. My mouth waters, I’m fucking starving.

While I wait for my order, I scan the menu above the mirror on the back wall behind the counter when I detect movement and my breath stills when I look head on into the mirror. Noah. My whole body is on high alert with his presence as he moves in behind me. I can’t look away.

Noah hasn’t noticed my gaze in the mirror because his focus is on me. The predatory way he is eyeing my back makes my stomach drop, and butterflies swirl. My whole body starts to vibrate, like a magnet that wants to connect with his hard body. What the hell is it about this guy? I do find myself considering that he has either hypnotized me or drugged me. This is beyond a normal reaction to someone I barely know. It feels like I knew him in a previous life. He’s an enigma to me, yet I know who he is. It's startling to someone like me who has a scientific and analytical explanation for most things.

Unaware of how long I’ve been watching him, the barista places my order in front of me, and my hands shake with nerves as I try to use my card to pay.

“I’ve got it. Can I have the same?” Noah says over my head to the barista, and I see his large tattooed hands, covered in those damn rings, appear at my side as he pays. The slight puff of his breath tickles my ear as he leans past me. I hold in the moan that wants to escape at his closeness.Oh fuck. I place the bag with my muffin in front of my rock hard dick, hoping to hide my reaction to him. This is all kinds of fucked up.

Turning to face him, I try to summon a smile that exudes confidence and indifference. For a guy I’d never met before our first therapy session, it's like he’s everywhere I go now, and I can’t find the energy to be mad about it.

“Thank you, Noah, but you didn’t have to do that,” I say, aware there may be a pinkness to my cheeks as warmth builds under my skin.

He shrugs like it's no big deal. Noah is so calm and casual that nothing seems to faze him, but then I remember his therapy sessions, and it jolts me back into the harsh reality that psychopaths don’t display emotions as others do. Why the hell doesn’t that make me run in the other direction?

“Go sit,” Noah says, and the firm order has me quivering. I’m swooning so hard over the demand that I just nod and sit at the small table that's hidden in the back corner of the coffee shop.

As I sit, I take the rare opportunity to watch him without his notice. Noah grabs his drink as I take a sip of mine, hoping it will calm my jitteriness. I can’t get over how gracefully he walks for such a large and intimidating man. I look around, and all eyes are on him. Everyone in the coffee shop can feel his sexual energy, and I can't take my eyes off him as he walks toward me without any awareness of how mind-numbingly sexy he is.

But those sexy eyes are firmly on me, and the attention makes me squirm, but also boosts the dampened confidence that has slowly eroded over the past few months.

Noah pulls the chair out from across the table, and moves it around the table to be next to me. I can’t do this. He’s so close, and the air is so thick I could take a bite out of it. I know his eyes are on me, but I can’t look at him. He moves in closer, and I take in a shaky breath and have to close my eyes to compose myself. I swear to god he is pumping out pheromones for the sole purpose of luring me under his control.

A finger pushes under my chin. Having lost control of my mind, a small whimper leaves my lips, small puffs of air escape me, and my chest rises and falls at an unnatural speed. He pushes his finger harder into my flesh, causing me to wince. The image of his fingers bruising me arouses me more than it should.

“Look. At. Me.” He growls so close to my ear that I can feel his breath, causing shivers over my sensitive skin. Goosebumps flare from my ear all the way down to my cock. My ass clenches, almost begging to be filled by this man—this mentally unstable, sexy as fuck man. Because I can’t deny his request, I slowly open my eyes and turn to him. The way he stares at me, into my very soul, should have me running away, but as I look into those sinful eyes, I float away. In this very second, I’m under hiscontrol, and I have no fucking idea how that happened or how to stop it.

Noah gently rubs a piece of blueberry muffin along my lips, making me automatically lick the seams of my mouth and open for him. Am I really doing this with a patient? I know I should pull back, but I think I’d only be prolonging the inevitable. This isn’t just a taste of a blueberry muffin, it’s my soul and I’m about to eat it. We don’t break eye contact as he slides the fluffy baked goodness into my mouth, and the sharp sweetness of the blueberry bursts onto my tongue. Instinctively, I close my mouth around his finger as he slowly pulls it out. He rumbles out a gruff sound, and I can’t help but twirl my tongue around his thick index finger.

As I swallow my treat, we continue to stare at one another. No words, but everything is said with our eyes. We want each other. We crave it to alarming levels. I know now that things have changed. I can’t help the small smile appearing on my face as he continues to gently rub the corners of my mouth with his thumb.

“I like this,” he says.

“Like what?”

“This smile. I want to see more of them. You don’t smile much,” he says as he intently watches my mouth with a slight crease in between his brow, like he’s thinking over his comment.
