Page 19 of Craving The Chase

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“Look at me, Chase.” His eyes open, all soft and inviting. Such a pretty ocean of blue.

“Itismy choice. We both want it. I just want to make you smile. Make you feel cherished and adored.”

The noise that leaves him sounds like a purring kitten which has me digging deep for every ounce of strength available not to take him away with me. But this is the long game. Chase is for keeps.

“Go enjoy your meal, Chase,” I say as he nods and turns around like the good boy he is and walks back to his brother. His compliance is better than any drug around.

It'sover two hours later when they return. Instead of waiting in my car, I’ve taken a position under the tree outside his back door, as it gives me a better view of the property. I inhale my cigarette for one last hit of the nicotine goodness and stub it out on the tree trunk as Chase’s car pulls up in the driveway. His brother gets out first, and they enter the front of the house. A few minutes later, lights flood the downstairs, and Chase walks into the kitchen. He takes his time, standing over the sink, shoulders sagging forward, head bowed down. Lifting his head slightly, he looks outside, and for a brief second, I think he’s seen me. He’s looking right at me but not seeing me. The guy looks pitiful, with sad eyes, tired and defeated. Is it me that has put that look there? I want to know why he’s looking like that. Not knowing the cause of any of his reactions is beyond frustrating and has me becoming unstable with wanting to fix it. I want to know him inside out.

His brother joins him in the kitchen, where they have a brief conversation. Did they argue? Chase walks away and leaves Tyler standing there looking just as miserable. Fucking hell, thisis depressing as shit to witness. Tyler rubs his hand roughly through his dark hair and grabs what looks like a bottle of water from the fridge before turning the downstairs lights off. Good. Now, I wait.

Considering there is an extra person in the house, I leave it longer than usual before I enter the property, as I’ve only learned Chase’s sleep pattern. I’ve no idea if Tyler is a heavy or light sleeper, but I’ll take the risk. Placing my ski mask over my head, I let myself inside.

Following my usual routine and quiet path up the stairs and into Chase’s room, I gently close the door. The only sounds are the soft snores coming from Chase as he lays on his back, hands behind his head, resting under his pillow. His legs are slightly spread under the sheets and the glow of the light from outside highlights that perfect body. Jacking off won’t be enough soon, I will need more. I long to touch him, to feel the silky heat of all that smooth skin under my fingers, to trace every part of his body until it is burned into my fingertips.

Because of Tyler being in the house, I won’t linger tonight, so I remove my fully hard dick from my jeans and walk over to his side of the bed and gently pull away the sheet covering that glorious dick that is begging to be sucked like a lollipop. I let saliva drip into my hand until it's a puddle in my palm, and start to stroke, thinking of his soft and long fingers gripping my dick hard as he covers me in lube. I lick my lips at the idea of tasting his ass, my tongue stabbing into his most intimate part, him clenching around my tongue, not wanting me to leave his hole.Shit. I can almost envisage how warm and snug the channel of his ass is, tightening around my dick as I push into him, taking him so hard that the headboard makes a dent in the plaster on the walls.Oh yeah…fuck.

Biting my lower lip to stop the noise threatening to leave my mouth, my cum shoots over his dick and abs, and a smallamount pools inside his belly button. It’s fucking beautiful to look at. Does he wake confused as to why he has cum on him in the mornings? That makes me internally laugh, thinking of that gorgeous face, confused as to why he is covered in spunk every morning.

I tuck myself away, cover my face again with my ski mask, and quietly walk downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, I halt in my tracks. Tyler is standing there, goggle-eyed at the sight of me. He doesn't know it'smethough with the mask on. Fuck. Chase had me so distracted I forgot for a moment about the brother. I take the opportunity his stunned reaction has given me, punch him in the face, and race out of the door as he sinks to the ground with a yell of pain. Fuck that was close. I run to my car without taking my mask off, and drive off before he can catch me.

Shit, that was actually fun.



I’m shaken awake by a bloody-lipped Tyler, who’s shouting at me. My brain is still cloudy from sleep, so it takes me a second to adjust. Regaining enough consciousness, I notice the busted lip and bruise that's forming on his face.

“Oh my god, Tyler! What happened to you?” I say as I stand from the bed. But as I stand, two things happen, one, I forget that I’m naked, and two, my dick and stomach are covered in a sticky slick which I know is cum.You’ve got to be fucking with me. Again?

I look at Tyler, who notices the cum, and I want to die right there and then. “Really, Chase? Cover yourself up, please. The cops are on their way. Some fucker broke in and knocked me out on his way out the back,” he says, grimacing in pain.

“What! Are you okay?” I ask, examining his face, but he winces away at the touch.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve been punched worse before, but that was fucking scary, man. You need to check to see if anything is missing before the cops show up,” he says, and I bob my head in agreement while putting on some shorts and a T-shirt. My fingers tremble as I dress, processing what Tyler has just said—an intruder in my home. I won’t deny that a heavy weight of fear takes hold. The idea of some stranger going through my house leaves me feeling nauseous. I mean, I didn’t even hear anything.

“You should get some ice on that. I’ll see if anything is missing. You just wait for the police,” I say, and he nods and walks away.

I check through my bedroom, living room, dining area, and kitchen. I even go through the damn bathroom, and nothing has been touched. That's so weird. Was it Wade? I’ve been ignoring his calls, but I don’t think even he would break in and punch my brother. Would he?

After my search, the police arrive. The attending officers question Tyler, getting a description of the intruder and an account of what happened. They also check the house and all the exits. They confirm there is no forced entry, not even any tampering with locks, or even a splintered piece of wood on the door frames. Nothing stolen. Nothing out of place. Nothing broken. Nothing they can do. They can only log it as an incident and put a search out on anyone seen in the area around that time, but it doesn’t sound hopeful. Tyler said that the guy was wearing a ski mask, and it was dark, so the police really had nothing to go on. Great. As the police leave, I sit in silence with Tyler as he nurses a whiskey for the pain in his jaw. Who the hell would break in here and why? If not to steal, why were they in my house? Oh shit, the black car that followed me flashes in my head, my hands are clammy as I try to rationalize everything that's happening.

“Are you okay, Chase?” my brother asks softly. I can already tell he’ll be reluctant to leave me to go back home, so I keep the black car incident to myself. Anyway, I could’ve got the whole situation wrong.

“Yeah, just shocked and confused. I mean, how the hell did he get in?” I ask.

Tyler swallows the rest of his drink and slouches back onto the couch.

“I think it's best if I—” he starts, but I cut him off, knowing what he is about to say.

“No, Tyler. You’re not staying here longer than planned. You need to get back home. I’ll be fine. I promise,” I say, hating the look on his face. The misplaced look of guilt. I know he’s felt it since he left, but he needs to realize that I wouldn’t be where I am without him.

“Tyler, listen to me. I know I’m your little brother, but I’m a grown man now and can look after myself. Stop with the guilt. You gave me everything, that's why I know I’ll be fine. Okay?”

“I know, but it's hard not to worry, considering what happened tonight.”

“I get it. But I’ll just have to secure the house more and maybe change the locks. I promise if anything happens, I will call you. Hopefully, he just had the wrong house or something. That's why nothing was taken,” I say, trying to come up with an explanation.
