Page 20 of Craving The Chase

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“He got in without force, Chase. He must have a key. Did you get your key back from Wade?” he asks, and my spine stiffens.Fuck. No, I didn’t.

“It can’t be him, Ty. Why would he do that? Wade would just barge his way in, and he’s never used his key once since we broke up. He knocks when he comes over. It makes no sense.”

“None of this makes any fucking sense, but we need to sleep for a few hours. Maybe we’ll think of something in the morning. Are you okay sleeping here tonight?” Tyler says.

I think about it. Weirdly, I am.

“I’m good. Come on, let's sleep, I’m fucking exhausted,” I say as I stretch my arms above my head.

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.



Well, this weekend was different from how I hoped it would go. I dropped Tyler off at the airport early this morning before coming to work, and it sucks. Instead of spending fun and quality time together, we spent the last two days getting new locks and securing my house. When Liam heard the news, he came straight over to help. The good thing is, that I haven’t had a wet dream since it happened. I’ve been so caught up that I even forgot about my session with Noah this afternoon.

Refocusing my brain, I make a start on two new case files of patients that I’ll be seeing this week. My morning appointment was canceled, so at least it gives me time to play catch up. Halfway through making notes, my PA buzzes me.

“Yes, Cynthia?”

“Sorry to interrupt, but Wade is here to see you?” she says hesitantly.

What the hell is he doing here?

“Tell Mr. Merchant to make an appointment, please, like everyone else,” I say and disconnect the call, just as the door fliesopen with a disheveled and fuming Wade hurtling in here like he owns the place. Cynthia runs in behind him.

“Mr. Merchant, you can’t just storm in here. Chase, shall I get security?” she asks, and Wade raises a brow at me—the slimy piece of shit.

“No, I’ll handle it myself. Thanks, Cynthia.”

She tentatively leaves the office, closing the door gently behind her.

I look at Wade and wait for whatever it is he has to say. I’m so over this situation that I can hardly see what I ever saw in him. I just feel nothing, although I’d love to know what happened to his face. A long scar runs across his cheek. Whether it's permanent or not, who knows or cares. At least it makes him somewhat interesting.

“Chase, I need you to listen to me. We need to talk about this. You can’t keep ignoring me,” he whines. It's not attractive.

“And I told you I don’t want to hear it. We’re over. Now please leave. I have work to do,” I say, switching my attention back to the paperwork on my desk.

“Don’t fucking ignore me, Chase!” he shouts, making me jump back as he slams his fist onto the table.

Cynthia swings the door open while I keep my eyes trained on Wade. I’ve never seen him like this before, and I thank whoever may be watching over me that I got out of this relationship when I did.

“Are you alright, Chase?” she says, stepping forward with a scowl on her face aimed at Wade. He doesn’t acknowledge her.

“Get security, please, Cynthia,” I say as she scuttles quickly out of the room.

“Security? Are you fucking joking? I deserve a chance to explain, Chase. I’m even willing to forgive your new boyfriend…” I put my hand up to stop his rambling.

“What boyfriend?” I ask, completely confused.

“The one who did this to my face when he warned me off you. I could report you for this,” he says, pointing at the wound. My mind is a jumbled mess as to how his injury has anything to do with me. At this point, two security guards walk in and grab Wade by the shoulders.

“It's time to leave, sir,” one of them says to Wade as he starts to resist their hold.

“Get your fucking hands off me. Do you know who I am?” Wade protests as they drag him out of the room.

Anyone who uses the phrase “Do you know who I am?” deserves to be taken away. Was he always such an arrogant prick?Most likely.
