Page 21 of Craving The Chase

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“This isn’t over, Chase. You’re nothing without me. Scraping the barrel with that piece of shit boyfriend. He’ll leave you, just like everyone else,” he shouts as he is pulled away by the guards. I swallow hard at his words as they hit the target he was aiming for. At least I know what he thinks of me, and what a complete asshole he is.

Liam runs into my office, standing next to Cynthia.

“Was that Wade?” he asks, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

“Yep, just stormed in here accusing me of having a boyfriend assault him and demanding I hear him out,” I say.

Collapsing into my office chair, tilting my head back, I look up at the ceiling. I’m really questioning my life right now. It’s falling apart in spectacular fashion, and I have no control. I don’t even have any reins to hold onto while I ride it out. My body feels physically battered by the emotional turmoil. I just want to huddle into the fetal position in my bed and sleep through this nightmare.

“Chase, you look exhausted. Why don’t you head home? We can arrange for someone else to take any patients you have,”Liam offers, which is kind. But I want to see Noah, and this will sound crazy, but I don’t want anyone else seeing him.

“No, I need to work and only have one session left today. I’m good. Let's just get on with the day,” I say, dismissing any more attempts at coddling me.

“Well, if you need me, you know where I am,” Liam says, and walks out with Cynthia following behind him, no doubt gossiping about me.



Standing across the street from Chase’s workplace, I see fuckhead, Wade, roughly pushed out of the building by two security guards. Fucking rich lawyers. He didn’t heed my warning, so he only has himself to blame when I make my move.

I check my phone, and I have about an hour left until my appointment, but if Wade being at the office and being thrown out is anything to go by, I’d imagine Chase is probably on edge. Wound up. Throwing my coffee cup in the trash, I decide to surprise Chase a little earlier.

I walk across the street and make my way into the building. I briskly move down the long corridor until I’m met with the constantly pissed off looking PA outside of Chase’s office.

“You’re early, Noah,” she says like I don’t fucking already know that.

“Yeah, so why don’t you let him know? See if he will see me a little earlier,” I say.

“Mr. Blackford has had quite a busy morning. I don’t think I should disturb him,” she says, and gasps as I lean over her desk.

“Tell him I’m here. Now,” I say, prepared to turn and storm into his office.

She flusters as I remain hovering over her until she presses her intercom button. Then I hear the voice of the man who’s in my head for every second that I’m awake. And taunts me in my dreams.

“Yes, Cynthia?” his voice comes through, the usual light melodic sounds of his voice are replaced by a dullness that no doubt was placed there by fuckhead.

“Noah is here. I told him you wouldn’t be able to see him earlier, but he insisted,” she whines, when Chase talks over her.

“It’s fine, send him in.”

I smile at the sour face that's now glaring at me. With a strut in my step, just to piss her off even more, I open the door to see Chase sitting behind his desk. He doesn’t speak to greet me or smile. From the faraway look in his eyes, I’m not even sure he’s in the room with me. The click of the door pulls him from wherever he has just been in his head, and the full body scan he gives me is like an intimate touch. His interest in me is more palpable than when I’ve been here before, this is a totally different person.

Then it occurs to me that his barriers are down. He’s a defenseless island. This isn’t the put together therapist Chase. This is the “real” him, and fuck is it a beautiful thing to see. If I touched him right now, I wonder how needy he would become, how far he would go to submit to me. I’ve never experienced this connection with anyone. If only he knew how dangerous that is for him. If only he knew that he’s mine and I will take him for keeps.

“Chase…come here,” I say in a low hum that not even I recognize. My beast side is coming to the surface. It's making me wanton and greedy. Chase stands and walks around the desk but stops himself from coming closer.

“Noah, um, you make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be with you shortly,” he says quietly, signally with his hand towards the seating area.

Nope, fuck the formalities. Chase needs me.

I move in closer where he still refuses to look at me and turns to rustle through the paperwork on his desk. I move up behind him, leaving just a slither of space. He stops what he is doing and goes still at the feel of me behind him.

“Turn around,” I say.

“Noah, this isn’t appropriate—” he starts, but I’m over this shit.

“Turn the fuck around, Chase,” I say, giving a firm edge to my tone, leaving no room for questioning. Huffing like a child, he turns, and I immediately grab under his chin, forcing him to move his head back and look at me. His pools of blue eyes are glassy, they’re so fucking pretty.
