Page 33 of Craving The Chase

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“What? No.”

He strides over to me and grabs the back of my neck and squeezes hard, making my muscles twinge in pain.

“Get in the fucking car, before I drag you into it.”

“Hey, is everything okay?” my neighbor shouts as he approaches us from his driveway. Noah removes his hands from my neck and takes a step back. This is it, my chance to run. I need to get out of here before he gets in my head again.

“Everything is fine. He’s just leaving,” I say with a small smile to my neighbor, whom I’ve never introduced myself to, as I’m such an unsociable asshole.

My neighbor continues to watch us both as I tentatively walk away from Noah toward my car, fumbling with my key as I get inside. Noah is still standing in the road as I leave my driveway, his jaw clenched, crazed eyes making me hesitate momentarily. I’m poking the beast, but I need to remove myself from the situation.

Driving off, I’ve no idea where I’m going; I just let my instincts take over, and before long, I find myself parking up at a secluded lake on the outskirts of town. My brother and I used to come here when I was a teenager to escape the hell of our childhood home. Our parents never gave a shit what we did, as long as we stayed out of the house most of the day while they got hammered with their drunk friends. I turn off the ignition, restmy head back on the headrest, and close my eyes. I forgot how quiet it is here. Not many people know about this hidden gem, and I wonder why it’s taken me so long to come back.

I just need a break. Time to breathe. The job I once loved is becoming a chore, fuck that, everything in my life is becoming a chore. Every issue interlinks, and I’ve got nowhere to hide from it. I’m usually able to dissect information and pigeonhole it to where it needs to go and how it needs to be addressed. This scenario I’m in is just a pile of shit that I can’t work through. It’s all meshed together and has my feelings conflicted where I can’t separate any of it. I need air.

Leaving the confines of my car, I get out and walk to the lake’s edge, hidden behind the cluster of trees. I gulp down the clean air, absorbing the sun’s rays that shine down on my face, listening to the slight breeze sway through the dense trees. I love the sound of trees in the wind. It makes me think of the ocean.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I consider ignoring it, but I’m too damn curious for my own good. Shit, that curiosity is why I’m in this mess. My heart skips a beat when I see it’s Noah.


You shouldn’t have run. I’m coming for you, baby.

Arrogant fucker. I look out at the water and want to scream into the vast space until my throat hurts. Maybe I should call Tyler so he can knock some sense into me. But I resist, not wanting to hear the truth. I shove my hands in my pockets and allow the sounds of the woodland and lake take over any voices in my head. Little did I know zoning out would be a mistake, until I hear a snap of a branch before strong arms grab me from behind.

“Told you I was coming.”

Noah tightens his hold and puts his hand across my mouth.

“Is this what you want? For me to hunt you down?” he says into my ear as I try to pull away.

“Time to leave, baby.”

Before I can process what’s happening, Noah quickly moves and tosses me over his shoulder with zero effort. I shout out in shock and humiliation.

“Put me the fuck down, Noah!” I shout, hitting his back while using my feet to try and get a kick at him. He only holds me tighter and has the nerve to laugh.

“No fucking chance,” he says and walks us back to his car that’s now parked next to mine.

Noah opens the passenger side, and unceremoniously dumps me into the passenger seat and locks the door. I’m too overwhelmed to move.

“How did you know where to find me?” I say.

“I have a tracker installed on your phone,” he says so casually that I want to scream and shout.

“You need to let me go, Noah. Let me out of the fucking car. You’re crazy.”

“You need to chill the fuck out. You knew I’d been following you. You know who I am.”

“No, I don’t know you! I’ve let my sad existence in lonelyville and my neglected dick take over. I can’t do this. It's not right, Noah. I’m losing my damn mind.”

Turning in his seat to face me, he reaches out to hold my throat and yanks me half way over the console to push his face into mine. I don’t want to hear it. I won’t let him convince me this is okay.

“Is that what you want? To go back to your quiet life? Back to your lonely bed and your piece of shit ex?”

I struggle to swallow from the pressure of his hand around my neck, ignoring the stab of pain at his words. It breaks my already scarred heart that he’s right and is using it against me.

“You want me to find someone else to give my time to? I’d do anything for you, baby. Ihavedone everything for you. Protected you from that fuckhead Wade, taught that homophobic piece of shit a lesson. Do I need to prove it more to you?”
