Page 36 of Craving The Chase

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“You’re the best person I know, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Put all the blame on me, baby. I don’t feel any guilt, but if it helps, just blame me and live in denial. Do whatever it takes. I won’t lose you.”

Chase gives me a wobbly smile and I pull him into my arms, hoping it gives him some kind of comfort. Tenderly, I stroke my hands up and down his bare back, needing to convey how much he means to me. I know he needs affection, the guy has been giddy for any form of touch. But he has me now. I may not be the average person, but I can give him what he needs. What he deserves. Complete devotion and loyalty.

“Why don’t you shower and go to bed for a few hours. I need to go back home and deal with some things with my father.”

“Is everything okay with your parents? You never talk about them in therapy or when we’re alone.”

“That's because they're pieces of shit and I don’t care about them. They’re not important. But I will need you to finish my therapy and sign off on it for me.”

Lifting his head from my shoulder, but still locked in a hug, he assesses me, looking for what, I’ve no idea.

“Why did you have to have this therapy, Noah? I’ve never had instruction for something like this before. Is it bad?”

“My father made my grandfather put it in as a stipulation for me to receive my trust fund, which he was hoping to con me out of because he is going broke. He also handpicked you to be my therapist. The stupid cunt wants me to use my methods to convince Wade to stop the legal proceedings preventing him from acquiring a very lucrative contract.”


“Yeah. I haven't done anything, well, apart from slashing his face, but that was because of you, not my father.”

“Nice. I feel so reassured.”

“Don’t be sassy, baby. But don’t worry. I have a plan, then we’ll be free from the dickhead.”

“So I guess no meeting the parents.”

“Fuck no. And I’ve no interest in meeting yours either.”

“No problem there. I don’t know where they are, plus they care more about booze than their kids. Tyler brought me up. And you’ve already met him.”

“He can’t take a punch.”

“Stop being a prick, you took him by surprise. But, I don’t think I’ll tell him it was you. I want to keep my brother in my life. He is non-negotiable. You don’t ever touch him, Noah, I mean it.”

“Okay,” I say, but what I really mean is we’ll keep the option open.



Noah left about an hour ago, after we collected my car from the lake, and I’m trying to come to terms with what has happened between us. This obsession we have with one another intensifies with each passing day, and is clouding all logical judgment. The anxiety that fills me at the very idea of us never being together has taken precedence over everything else. I’m not stupid. I know I’m weak. He’s manipulated me. It's clear for me to see, yet the yearning to have him has my brain making all kinds of shit up, projecting the blame elsewhere.

The shower I had after he left didn’t relax me at all, and lying on my bed is only making me more agitated. I can’t switch my mind off enough to sleep. My phone rings and I see it’s Liam. Shit. I forgot to call in sick today.

“Hey, everything okay?” he says when I answer. “It's not like you to be late.”

“Yeah, I was about to call. I’m not coming in today. Not feeling that great. I’m sorry if that leaves people in the lurch.”

“Don’t apologize. I was just worried because I hadn’t heard from you. We can sort things out here … You sure you’re okay? You sound different.”

“I’ll be fine, Liam. Just burnt out from all the drama and shit going on. It was bound to get to me at some point.”

“Alright, if you’re sure. Let me know if you need anything.”

The call ends, and more guilt piles on me. Should I tell Liam what's happening? Noah is a patient, after all, and Liam is part owner of the practice. Technically, he deserves to know what a fuck up I’ve made. I’ll just add that to another pile of shit that I need to handle.

Loud banging on my front door gets my attention. Obviously, I’m not expecting anyone, but maybe Noah forgot his key. A key he stole. This is so messed up. I jog downstairs and open the door, only to be greeted by the last person I want to see.

“What do you want, Wade?”
