Page 39 of Craving The Chase

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“When you end him, make it hurt.”

Wow, I really do take after her.

With those parting words, she glides out of the door like the Hollywood star she thinks she is. I almost feel a smidge of respect for her, but nope, I think that's heartburn.

But this news is good for me, it makes the process more clean cut. My father has no idea what's in store for him. I just wish Icould be there to watch his world start to crash when he realizes she has left. What, oh, what will his high society colleagues and friends say?

It's lunchtime,and I’m enjoying my favorite hobby, which is stalking Chase. Standing across the street, I watch as he leaves work to have lunch with that Liam guy. I don’t like him spending time with others without me. Just as I consider following them and purposefully bumping into him, he stops with his back to me and spins around. Those blue eyes instantly find me. I inhale another hit of my cigarette before I stub it out under my boot. I bet he could feel me watching him. He’s so used to my eyes on him, it's like a physical prompt that alerts him. He says something to Liam, who walks off and Chase jogs over to me.

“Are you really stalking me right now?” he exhales like he doesn’t like it.

“I think you mean keeping an eye on what's mine.”

“Noah…” he starts, but I place my finger on his lips to stop him speaking.

“You love me watching you, baby. It's okay to admit it. You knew I was watching, didn’t you?” I ask, keeping my voice in a low hum. Everyone around us, going about their day disappears leaving just us.

“Yes,” he rasps. Fuck he’s so responsive to me. It brings a new feeling out of me, it’s heady like a powerful burn of ownership.

“And how did you know, Chase?” I ask as I gently peck his lips.

“I could feel it. My shadow,” he says in a voice so hushed that I almost miss it.

“You’re fucking right about that. Iamyour shadow. Day and night I’ll be surrounding you.”

We kiss briefly, his body limp in my arms as I swallow him up with my size dwarfing his.

“I’ll see you after work,” I say.

I don’t get a response. He stares, dazed like he’s high. It's addictive, knowing I have such a hold over him.

“Later, baby.” I wink and walk away. Impatient for the hour I can return and bring him home with me.



“Sorry about that,” I say as I sit down in the coffee shop with Liam, trying to brush off the sexual frustration that Noah has kindly left with me. How can I be okay with him still stalking me? Christ, maybe he’s right, like he is about most things when it comes to me. I secretly love that he watches me.

“No problem, I got you your usual,” Liam says, pushing a large coffee toward me on the table. As I lift it to my lips to suckle on the caffeinated goodness, I nearly let out a moan of pleasure. Fucking Noah’s fault. Now I’m getting turned on by a damn coffee.

“So, how are you feeling? I’m surprised you have come back today. We’d have had you covered if you needed another couple of days.”

“Thanks, man, but I’m a lot better. Everything just got to me, and I was just exhausted and, well, not in a good place.” I take another sip of my coffee. I want the conversation to move into safer topics, but I’m finding it hard not to word vomit the entire story of what’s happening with Noah. Minus the murder,stalking, and generally terrifying behaviors he displays. My palms start to sweat at the very idea.

“Have you heard anything more from Wade?”

“Oh yeah. He turned up at my house yesterday morning. I’ve never seen him so lost. He’s having some issues at work and seemed to think bringing them to my door was a good idea.”

“You need to do something about that, Chase. He’s harassing you. Fuck, it sounds like he’s stalking you. You need to be smart about this, especially after the break-in. I mean, was it him?”

Staring down at my coffee cup, I contemplate how to navigate this questioning. I can’t lie and say it was him, and I can’t say I know it wasn’t him because then I would have to spill all the shit about Noah. Instead I offer a Noah style shrug.

“Come on, man. You have to suspect him, at least?”

I get caught up in the concern etched on Liam’s face. He’s such a good friend. Liam worries about me, and I don’t want to involve him, but I need to offer some truth.

“It wasn’t him.”
