Page 49 of Craving The Chase

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“Yes, but that's not the point. Now I’m horny.”

“So just imagine how desperate you’ll be for my cock later. Now kiss me before I leave.”

“Where are you going?”

He knows where I’m going and I’m not going to answer.

“Fine. Say fuck you to your father for me.”

That makes me chuckle and I give him a quick kiss before leaving him, knowing he will be thinking of me for the rest of the day.

Not worrying about that dick, Liam.

Speaking of Liam, as I leave the office and walk down the corridor, the nosy asshole is making a beeline for me with a severe look on his face. Does that work on people? Looks like an angry puppy who has a beard.

“Get the hell out. I can’t believe you have the nerve to show your face after yesterday.”

I lean against the wall and cross my arms.

“Why? I did nothing wrong.”

“You have brainwashed my friend. I won’t allow him to make a mistake with you. I’ve read your notes. I should call the police after what you did to me. How long before you hurt him?”

“Will never happen. He’s mine, and I don’t harm what's mine.”

“You crazy asshole.”

“Were you this upset with Wade? Did you get in his face when he was harassing Chase?”

“That was different. Wade is not a psychopath and it was their relationship,”

“Can psychopaths be dangerous, Liam? In your professional opinion.”

“They can be, every person is different. But you definitely fall into the dangerous category.”

“Yet here you are threatening me. Do you think that's a smart move, Liam?”

Liam’s face freezes as he processes what I’ve just said. His complexion has turned to a grayish tone, similar to when you are about to be seasick. The hallway is quiet, so I walk up and crowd his space. Liam tries to step back but I grab him by his shirt with both hands.

“I made a promise that I would ‘try’ to resist hurting you, Liam. This is your first strike. I don’t possess patience. If you interfere or give Chase a hard time, then that chokehold last night will feel like a hug compared to my knife slowly slicing your throat. Now, you be a good boy and talk to your friend and keep your fucking nose out of our business. Chase is happy. And it's in your best interest that you keep him that way. Do we have an understanding? Or will we be making your wife a widow?”

“You’re completely crazy.”

“So you’ve said. Answer the question, or I’ll assume you want to meet your maker sooner.”

I can see how hard he resists to bite back, but he relents, making the right decision.

“Fine. But I’ll be watching Noah. I’ll be there when he sees the light.”

“I’d expect nothing else. But me hurting Chase is the least of your worries. Just watch your own back.”

Pushing him in the chest, he staggers backward, almost hitting the other wall. All the bravado he was showing has now gone. Satisfied, I leave the clinic. The next stop is dear old Dad.



Fucking Noah. How could he edge me like that and walk away? But I’m hoping the payoff tonight will make it worth it. I was shocked when he turned up, but so thankful he did, as now I’m so distracted by my dick, that the thought of what he is doing to his dad, and my inevitable bumping into Liam, doesn’t weigh so heavily.
