Page 55 of Craving The Chase

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We walk away in opposite directions. Getting into my car, and with Chase no longer in sight, I reach into my jacket and pull out Chase’s cell phone that I stole from his back pocket when we were talking to fuckhead. I need a way to get Wade alone with me, and this is the best option.

After searching online on how to message an ex you want to get back, I fire off a text to Wade. I laugh to myself at how fucking easy this is.


I’m so sorry, Wade. Noah is crazy, and I have to go along with it. I’m leaving tonight to stay at a house that I’ve rented about an hour away. Meet me there tomorrow? I just want us to move forward. I miss you…

He responds instantly.


I knew it! This isn’t you, babe, but I’ll be there. Send me the address and time, and I will meet you. Miss you too, babe. We can work through this. I know it.

I send the address details and mention to meet around midday. Gives me enough time to get there, do the deadly deed, and then be home before the evening.



Where the fuck is my phone?

I swear I had it at lunch, just before I’d seen Noah and Wade. Shit. Did someone steal it? This is just fucking great. Guess I’m getting a new phone tomorrow. I quickly do another search of my jacket pockets and bag in case I missed it. Why is it that when you lose your phone, it's like losing a limb?

“Everything okay?” Liam asks behind me. I didn’t hear him come in.

“I can’t find my phone. I don’t even have an idea of where it could be. It must’ve been stolen from my pocket when I was at lunch in town.” I throw my hands up in defeat, gathering all my shit together.

“That sucks,” he says, still standing by the door.

“Yeah, it does. It's just a pain in the ass getting a new one. I’m booked solid tomorrow. Maybe I’ll order one online tonight and get it sent overnight,” I think out loud. That's probably the best idea. Noting that Liam is still standing there and not speaking, it guts me that there is an awkward wall that's come between us.

“Are you okay, Liam? You’re pretty quiet,” I ask, moving towards him, turning off the office lights, and locking my office door behind us.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I thought maybe you’d want to grab a drink. I hate this distance between us, man. I want to try and get back to where we were,” he says, and relief swoops through me.

“I would, but I’m going over to Noah’s tonight and I don’t have a phone to let him know. He can be a bit…you know.”

He gives a chortle. “I bet he can. No problem, another time.”

“How about tomorrow? We can get a bite to eat if you want to?”

“That should be good,” he says, and the heavy mood that surrounds us lifts. As we get outside, we say a brief goodbye, and I race to my car, wanting to get to Noah’s as fast as possible.

Around ten minutes later, I’m parking in the underground lot next to Noah's car and go inside the building. In the building foyer, I press the button for Noah's apartment.

“Yeah,” he says, voice gruff and tired.

“It's me.”

“Come on up, baby.”

I get into the elevator and wait for each floor to go by, it feels like hours until I reach his level. When I step out and turn left to walk down his corridor, my heart leaps into my mouth as he stands leaning against the wall wearing only a pair of gray joggers. What a fucking vision. When I reach him, he pulls me into his apartment by the arm, pushes me against the door and shows me how much he wants me—kissing me, touching me, ruining me for anyone else. I laugh at the situation. I still have my bag on my shoulder as he ruts into me, grinding his hard dick against mine, insisting that my mouth doesn’t leave his.

“Wow, that's a hell of a welcome,” I say after he eventually lets me go.

“I like you here,” he says.

“Me too. So, are you going to feed me?”
