Page 60 of Craving The Chase

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I can’t respond to him. Every nerve is like bubbles in a can of pop, the fizz that grows the more you shake it before it explodes everywhere. I’m the can that wants to be popped.

“On your back,” he orders, but he has to help me turn.

My back is tender as the hard wax makes contact with the sheets, but I’m too far gone to care. He’s removed his ski mask and looks like everything you are warned about when it comes to bad boys. With my legs thrown over his shoulders, he watches me intently. Sliding his hands up my sweaty torso, he pinches my nipples hard, making me wail out loud. Feels so damn good.

Noah grabs my dick and starts to stroke, his hand clamping around me so tightly it's almost painful. I’m sensitive all over.Everything tingles as the pressure in my balls and cock starts to swell.

“Please make me cum.”

“Say it, say the words,” he snarls.

“My shadow, make me cum, make me–—”

“Fuck you’re beautiful like this, falling apart on my dick like the perfect little whore.”

Noah grabs me by the throat and brutally destroys my body with every violent thrust.

“I’m cumming,” I shout, unable to hold in the wild noises leaving my mouth.

We both fall over the edge, cum sticks to my stomach as my dick keeps pulsing until I’m nearly empty of all fluids. Noah lets out the longest moan, gripping my legs hard to stop himself from toppling.




It's been two weeks since Noah took me with his ski mask on, and he hasn’t left my house since, except to follow me. Our closeness should feel stifling, but it's the complete opposite. I want to be even closer. I know it's not healthy. We’re now at the point where I don’t want to be at work. And that's not just because of Noah. I’ve changed so much in the past three months that my dreams and goals have changed.

Over the last few nights, we’ve been discussing selling our homes and traveling. I’ve never been outside of the USA, and there are so many places I’ve dreamed of visiting, but assumed it would most likely never happen. My life here feels over now. It's tainted with so much baggage and I want to just be where nobody knows us.

Liam has been trying his best to be passively supportive, but the judgment is always there. It holds me back from being myself. I feel like I can’t bring up Noah or have them in the same room. I do get it, though, and Liam is right. I am risking a lot. But I’ll risk it all for just even one more day with Noah.

I’ve accepted what we are to one another, and I’m prepared to die on that sword. No relationship is the same, but I’m contentwith what I’ve found. Others find love in the light, I found mine lurking in the shadows.

Scrolling on my phone through the local news channels, the headlines are covered in the breaking news of the death of Noah’s father in the house fire, now that his remains have been identified, and the similarly timed disappearance of Wade Merchant. Luckily for Noah, the police are aiming their suspicions at several associates who were taking legal action against Noah’s father, and Wade was collateral damage. The paperwork Noah left lying around sent them in the opposite direction, and I’m beyond relieved. If I let myself think about it too much, the guilt and questioning seeps in, so I just block it out and live in delusion. I’m happier there.

“So, where do you wanna go first, baby? I’m a rich guy. We can go anywhere. As long as I can fuck you in each place we visit.”

I smile at him, as he collapses on the couch beside me with a list of countries we could visit.

“I want us to visit Tyler first. I know you don’t like people, but this is all I ask for, Noah. You can be as broody as you want, but he’s my blood, and I won’t cut him out of my life.”

“Is that so?” he grins.


“Fine, but we’re not staying at his house. Hotel only. I want to be able to fuck you how I want without the possibility of him complaining and me stabbing him in the neck.”

“Deal,” I say and ignore the threat.

Tyler is aware of our plans and is happy for me. He was a little concerned when I spoke to him last night, but he understood when I said I needed to spread my wings. Plus he’s happy in Los Angeles, so I don’t feel so bad about leaving the country.

“When are you going to tell Liam?”

“I’m going over to his and Jane’s today to talk to them both. I owe them that much.”

“I think I should come.”
