Page 61 of Craving The Chase

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“Fuck no! Not after how it went down between you both last time.”

“You’re nervous,” Noah states.

“Why do you think I’m nervous?”

“Your nostrils flare repeatedly at about four seconds apart. And the line on your forehead deepens,” he says while still studying me. Still trying to look inside my mind.

“You’re so fucking creepy, Noah.”

“I don’t give a fuck. Remember, I know everything about you.”

Noah leans over me and kisses my neck sloppily, sucking at the skin on my jaw.

“Shit, Noah. Don’t get me hard now. I need to get this thing done with Liam.”

“Well get going. I want you at least twice before dinner. Don’t be long.”

“I won’t.”

After a brief kiss, I quickly text Liam that I’m on my way over, and leave the driveway with nerves flitting around in my gut. Halfway to their house, I look in the rearview mirror as I change lanes, and shock of all shocks, Noah is following me. Such a fucking romantic.

I pull up on Liam and Jane’s driveway, but before I get out I can’t resist sending Noah a text.




Your stalker.


No. You’re my shadow.


You better hurry the fuck up before I bend you over that car. You know what that name does to me.

Satisfied he’s all riled up, I walk up onto the front porch, knock on the bright red door, and wait, all while resisting the urge to look around for Noah’s car. But I don’t need to. I can feel his stare. His hunger.

Liam opens the door with a warm smile, and the smell of freshly baked goodies hits my nostrils.

“Hey man, come on in. Jane is in the back, she’s been baking up a storm all afternoon.”


I follow Liam down to the large open-plan kitchen/dining room and am greeted by a hug from Jane.

“Hey, Chase. This is a lovely surprise. It's been forever since you came over.”

“Good to see you too.”

“Do you want a coffee?” Jane asks.

“No thanks, I won’t be staying for long. I just need to talk to you both face to face.”

“What's happened? Has he hurt you?” Liam asks, jumping forward as if trying to protect me from the person who isn’t in the room.
