Page 9 of Craving The Chase

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Power thrums in my blood at his submissive behavior. He’s probably been overthinking everything that happened today, worrying himself stupid that he did something wrong. I didn’t miss how hard he was when I left. I didn’t acknowledge it at the time, but I don't think he realized how turned on he was, too lost in his head as I rubbed his plump lower lip. Those sexy as fuck lips that’ll be begging to suck my cock, the lips that will scream my name, pleading for me to be close to him. I’ll be the one thing that keeps him tethered to this life.

Checking my watch. It's just past midnight. Most of the houses down here have no lights on, and everyone appears to be down for the night, including Chase.

Removing my black ski mask from the glove compartment, I pull it over my head, place the hood from my hoodie over the top, and make my way to the side gate towards the back door. Using my copied key, I quietly enter the property. When we’re established, we definitely need to have a talk about security.

Again, as I walk through the back door into the kitchen, I’m overpowered by his smell,fuck, it's like the perfect aphrodisiac for me. My eagerness to have him is overwhelming in the best ways, feeding the craving that builds in me daily. I make my way to the stairs, quietly climbing them. When I was here the last time, I tested out the creaky boards and practiced the best way to approach them without making a sound. Standing at his bedroom door, I turn the doorknob. It's dark in here, but there is a hint of natural light that comes from the moon outside. It gives it an almost eerie feel, with the shadowy shapes that fill the room and with only the sound of swaying trees and nocturnal animals to break the silence.

My eyes land on the sleeping form in the bed, my Chase. He’s on his stomach with his head tilted to the right, facing the windows, and his hands underneath his pillow beneath his head. He looks like a fucking angel. Innocent. Ripe for the taking. I take in his broad back, which is exposed as the sheets cover him from the waist down. All soft skin, his biceps, and shoulder muscles are clearly defined from his sleeping position. Chase is in great shape and strong, but he is a gym-honed strong. He looks like an athlete. Although I maintain my body in the gym, I'm strong through survival and real-world experiences that I know Chase has never faced. It gives me the advantage.

The bedsheet stops just above his luscious ass. He has that hot as sin dip in his lower back, making his ass look like a sumptuous pillow that I want to rest my head on. Those plump cheeks are begging for attention. The thought of them jigglingwith every thrust as I ruin his hole makes me want to cum on the spot.

Quietly, I move over to the chair in the corner of the room at the base of the bed and relax into the cushions that mold around me like a hug. Then I just watch. Every intake of breath, every sound he makes, how the light illuminates his skin so ethereally. He mumbles something as he turns onto his back. With a slight snort of a snore, his chest rises and falls in deep, measured breaths.

I take this time to look at his exposed chest. Small brown nipples that are hard and begging to be bitten and sucked. His firm pecs lead down that beautiful smooth golden skin towards his defined abs. I want to pull the sheet back and memorize his dick, but this will be enough for now. A little groan comes from those luscious lips, and my cock responds instantly. Is he dreaming of me? That thought has me growling, so I grab a condom from my pocket, prepared for a moment like this where I can’t resist.

Taking my dick out, I sheath myself and start to jerk off with long and slow tugs. With the condom on, there will be no evidence of what I’ve done here. The coating on the condom makes my hand slide with ease, and before I know it, I have to bite hard on my lip to stop myself from making a noise. I picture myself over him, jacking off over his face as he whimpers, begging me to take him, and spurting my cum all over that pretty mouth and chest. Shit.Shit, shit, shit. Cum fills the condom while I try to keep my moan low, writhing in the chair and clenching my ass to gain control.

As the post-orgasmic haze lifts, I remove the condom, place it in a baggie I brought to put it in, and zip myself up. I spend the next few minutes watching and learning the contours of his body. He’s fucking beautiful. And all mine. Fighting against theurge to just crawl into bed with him, I creep out of the bedroom, leaving with one final glance to fill my craving.

Locking up the property, I walk over to my parked car and take in the quietness of this little suburb. The air feels so still here tonight. Hardly a sound echoes on the street. None of the residents on this road have any idea what kind of man is currently parked on their road and the danger they could be in. I try to picture living here with Chase, and I get a slight thrill at the thought of blending in and fooling the neighbors into thinking that I’m a nice, hard-working guy. Acting out the happy couple life with Chase, portraying a man who is an upstanding citizen of this community, while behind closed doors, I relax into my true depraved nature, a guy who takes his fill of his one obsession and purpose. Maybe I’ve found the cure for the daily boredom of life that can be so tedious that I want to rip my hair out.



Thank fuck, it's Friday. There’s only one appointment left today, then I’m free for a weekend. After kicking my own ass at what a lousy friend I’ve been to Liam, I agreed to go out for a meal with him and Jane for a long overdue catch-up. Plus, Jane had the all clear at her latest scan, so we have reason to celebrate. I need to stop focusing on all my shit and get myself out of this funk. This morning, when I woke, I swear I could smell cigarettes. That made me realize that I’m thinking way too much about Noah and need to get on with my life and make positive things happen.

Do not dwell on the past or look to a potential psycho for answers. Yes, I said it, psycho. Noah ticks a lot of the boxes, but I’ve stupidly forced myself to ignore it in favor of my libido. No more. I do this job for a reason, and from today on, my patients are just my patients. I need to get back out there, reconnect with my friends, and maybe start dating again. Turn the page to a new chapter.

My PA, Cynthia, walks in. “Daniel just called, and he can’t make it in as something has come up. He’s rearranged for next week,” she says.

I should be annoyed, Daniel’s appointment was in twenty minutes, and I expect reasonable notice due to other patients. But today, I’m relieved. I can leave early.

“Okay, thanks. In that case, I’ll be finishing for the day. Call me if there are any problems,” I say, and look up when she doesn’t respond. “What?” I ask, perplexed as to why she is just looking at me.

“Well, you never leave early; normally, you get quite…uptight at last-minute cancellations. Is everything alright, Chase?” she asks, and the sincerity of her question nearly floors me.

I thought I’d hidden my moods and shitty personal life at work, but that isn’t the case.

“Everything is fine. Don’t worry. I just need to recharge,” I say as I pack up my desk and turn off my computer. I walk past her. “See you Monday, Cynthia.”

She smiles. “See you Monday,” she says, and I head home with that awkward conversation avoided.

I havean hour before I need to leave to meet Liam and Jane, and I feel so much better having left work early. I treated myself to a very long shower, along with a quick orgasm and a power nap. I’m like a new man. Severing Wade entirely from my mind has given me a new energy and positive outlook. I can’t let what I can’t change continue to weigh me down. Nobody should hold that power over you.

Leisurely, I take my time getting ready, going for the smart casual look. My nice dark denim jeans and my black button-up shirt. Looking in the mirror, I’m not nearly as offended by what I see, compared to how I looked last week. My skin is better, andthe darkness under my eyes has gone, appearing brighter. I’m not ashamed to say I look pretty good. The blue sparkle in my eyes is back, and I’m ready to meet my friends, let go, and enjoy myself.

Before I know it, I’m heading into town to meet my friends at Toni’s Grill. It’s Friday, so it’s hectic in town, and I have to park a couple of blocks away. As I walk into town, I zip my jacket up to my neck to ward off the cold. A few of the street lights are broken, making the side streets eerie, and sending a shiver right through me. The darkness and stillness of the air make my hearing more sensitive to noise. I can hear my heart thrumming in my ears, sensing something isn’t quite right. Sudden footsteps behind me make me turn my head to check, but I see nothing. It’s not far until I’ll be walking into town. I can already hear the hustle and bustle of the bars, laughter, and traffic. But this path makes me feel isolated like I’m miles away. I pick up my walking speed, only to hear the footsteps again, matching my pace. The chill down my spine is not from the cold air, I know someone is behind me. I’m so sure, I can almost feel their breath on my neck. My breathing turns ragged, so I keep walking and turn my head again to see nothing. What the fuck?

I can see the town ahead of me now, where the bright lights are like a sign of safety. I walk as briskly as I can, to the point of nearly jogging, and the sound of heavy feet pounding behind me has me holding down a panicked yell for help. Oh fuck. I’m going to be mugged, aren’t I? Or stabbed.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I pretend to make a call to fool whoever is following me. I know someone is following me. I finally reach the end of the street where I need to be and turn again, only to see nobody there. A car drives slowly by, and the headlights light up the sidewalk. But nobody is there. I swear I wasn’t imagining it. I linger for a split second and contemplate my sanity as I leave the creepy street.

Walking down Main Street, I spot Liam and Jane standing outside the restaurant, waiting for me. I wave as Liam notices me and instantly hug Jane as I approach them. I put it to the back of my mind that I’ll have to walk back to my car.

“Chase, it's so good to see you. It's been too long,” Jane says as she hugs me as tightly as possible.

“Good to see you too. Sorry I’ve been MIA,” I say as I pull away, giving a quick hug to Liam.
