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I opened my mouth to argue with her again, but she held a palm up to stop me.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve also got my own selfish reasons for wanting to come,” she lied, right to my face. “Firstly, I looked up the address you gave me, and that building is a lotnicer than this one. Secondly, I’ll miss you too much. I’m far too obsessed with you, and our relationship is way too codependent for me to survive a full month without you.”

“It’s not like I won’t seeyou—”

“It’s not the same.”

I had to bite back my grin. “I think a little space might actually be healthy—”

“Nope!” She whipped around dramatically, shooting a hand into the air. “Pack your Spidey blanky Toebeans Maguire, we’re moving!”

I’d never heard a more devastated meow in my life.

* * *

“Holy shit,” Jamie breathed.

“Holy shit,” I agreed.

“I thought the whole purpose of making you do this was to punish you.”

I dropped my bags and surveyed the living room again, my mouth hanging open. Becauseholy shit, was this a nice apartment. It looked like it had been ripped straight out of an interior designer’s bohemian wet dream.

“Do you think it’s a trap?” I whispered to Jamie as she brushed her fingers across a particularly luxurious-looking throw pillow. “Like a Hansel and Gretel type thing but with really nice furniture instead of candy?”

She sunk onto the cream-colored couch, her spine melting right into its cushions. “Probably.”

Even Toebeans wasn’t nearly as displeased with his new surroundings as we’d expected. He was cautious at first, yowling his complaints at us every time we walked past, but it only lasted for a few hours, just until he discovered how comfortable Egyptian cotton was.

“Get off my pillow,” I chided for the millionth time. But—once again—my request fell on deaf ears. He probably couldn’t hear me over the sound of his own purring.

I left him alone and continued to unpack, having promised myself that once I managed to get it all done and organized, I’d treat myself to a glass of wine and a bubble bath.

Not only did I get my own bathroom (a luxury I’d experienced exactly zero times in my life), but the tub washuge. I was pretty sure I could swim laps in it, and I fully planned on testing my theory as soon as possible.

“Hey.” Jamie popped into my room, holding a hairdryer. “Do you think maybe you should have checked with Adrien to make sure he was cool with us staying here, too?”

I blinked, my mouth parting a bit. There was a slight chance it hadn’t occurred to me to let him know until that very second. “Technically he didn’t say I couldn’t have a roommate. Or a cat. So… this one’s on him.”

Plus, Adrien hadn’t given me any way to contact him. So I wouldn’t have been able to let him know in advance anyway.

“Okay, but he technically also didn’t say youcould.”

I popped my empty suitcase into the (massive) walk-in closet and shut the door. “You were the one who insisted on moving with me.”

She pointed an accusatory finger right at my chest. “You were the one who didn’t stop me!”

“I tried.”

She snorted. “Barely.”

“Um… what the hell happened to being way too obsessed with me to let me go?”

She sniffed theatrically. “You told me I was your one and only.”

I sighed. “Don’t do this, baby. Don’t cry. You know I didn’t mean it.”

“Don’t!” Jamie exclaimed dramatically, trying her best to summon a bout of elephant tears. “Don’t you dare tell me you love me! That’s what you said last time!”
