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The tension in Adrien’s whole body softened as his attention turned back to her. It was like an On and Off switch with him. “No, thank you. I just came by to give Ria her schedule.”

“You couldn’t have emailed it to me?” I didn’t have his contact information yet, but he had mine.

“We start our day early tomorrow,” he said.

“You could have put that in your email, too.”

Adrien cocked his head. “Yes, Icouldhave. But I’m not entirely convinced that [email protected] is your real email address so I decided to stop by and confirm it.”

Jamie had to suck her lips into her mouth to stop from laughing.

I lifted a shoulder. “I needed a new work email. It’s not like I was going to give you my personal one.”

Also, I wasa new mod for his hate club. I’d applied for it earlier this week.

He didn’t seem phased by my answer. “You’ll meet me downstairs at four tomorrow.”

“Fine,” I said. “Now g— Wait, fourin the morning?”

His little smirk was so sinister and evil, it was almost cartoonish. “You’ll be joining me on my morning run. I need someone to carry my water bottle.”

First of all, what kind of twisted masochist willingly started their day that early? Second of all, “I don’t run.”

“Oh no, I know. You spend eight light minutes on the elliptical, do a few weighted squats, then treat yourself to a coconut smoothie that weighs twice as much as the dumbbells you do your squats with. I’ve seen the security footage.”

Jamie slapped a palm to her mouth, but the snort escaped anyway.

She and I were also officially in a fight.

“Fine,” I seethed. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. Get a new email address and lose the fucking attitude.”

My jaw was clenched so tight it hurt. “Your wish is my command, boss.”

Adrien grinned. It wasn’t nearly as warm or genuine as the one Jamie had been given. “Let’s go with ‘sir’, shall we? I like the sound of that better.”

Jamie was crying. The effort it was taking to hold back her squeaks of laughter was making her eyes leak.

I hated them both. But mostly Adrien. His face. Overly broad shoulders. The amount of space he occupied. The way he breathed. Hisridiculousdimples.

“Great. Anything else?” I ground out.

He raised two expectant brows. I hated those, too.

His entire existence pissed me off.

I counted backward from five Mississippi. “Is there anything else you need from me,sir?”

I was going to vomit. Right now, right here. Right on the brown loafers he hadn’t bothered to take off before entering the apartment.

“Nope. Not now,” he said casually, dismissing me with a wave like he was the ruling fucking monarch.

He offered Toebeans a few more praises and kisses, told Jamie (again) how nice it was to meet her, then left without so much as another brief glance in my direction.

“Wow,” Jamie said once the door was closed. “That was…”

I whipped around, my finger pointed right at her face. “You!” I hissed. “What the hell wasthat?”
