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I wheeze-mumbled incoherently in response.

“With less than a minute to spare and toothpaste on your shirt,” he went on, continuing to stare at his screen. How did he even know? He hadn’t looked at me once so far.

“Sorry,” I managed between all the huffing and puffing. And I meant it. According to his messages, he’d waited for me for an extra thirty minutes before hopping into a cab.

Adrien didn’t respond to my apology. In fact, he didn’t say anything at all until we were up in the air and the first round of snacks had been distributed, waiting until my mouth was full of dry crackers before he asked, “Did Toebeans like his gift?”

The crackers turned into wet lumps of sawdust in my mouth, and I had to drown half my coffee to get them down.

“He loved it,” I eventually croaked. “And so did, um, Jamie,” I added since that was what he was really asking.

He nodded curtly. “Good. I’m glad.”

I sipped my coffee again.

My nausea had been starting to subside before this conversation, but now my head was filled with images of Jamie and Adrien getting married in the Bahamas at sunset, dancing their first dance to John Legend, and it was making my stomach twist all over again.

Our lives were going to be intertwined forever. I’d have to see him at every single Christmas and every single birthday, and I’d have to beniceto him the whole time.


My attention darted back to Adrien who was watching me with his brows furrowed. And holy hell,howwere his eyes so vibrantly green?

I wonder if their kids will inherit—oh my god, no. Please stop.

I cleared my throat. “Yeah?”

“You okay?”

I blinked at him. “What?”

“Are you… okay?” he asked again. “You look a little pale.”

My mouth floundered as I tried to string together an explanation for my sickly complexion, but what came out was: “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Adrien’s frown tightened, his head ticking to the side as my mouth went dry.

“Or a boyfriend?” The clarification was supposed to make things better. It didn’t.


On the bright side, at least I had some color in my face now.

“U-um, I’m not, like, asking forme,” I clarified eloquently. It was for Jamie. NotforJamie, but for my own peace of mindregardingJamie. Because if he had a romantic partner, then all my worrying was for naught. “I’m just… wondering for other people.”

Adrien gave me another long, suspicious look. “No.”

I sighed, slumping back in my seat. “Okay.”

I guess this was really going to happen. And the only thing I could do was sit back and watch the two of them—

“Do you?”

I glanced up at him again. He was still frowning, but there was something else in his expression too. Curiosity, maybe.

“Do I what?” I asked.

“Are you seeing anybody?”
