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I shook my head as Adrien quirked a brow.

“I do. Hate you, I mean. I do hate you,” I clarified quickly, trying not to pay too much attention to any flaring sensations around my nose.

He wasn’t deterred. “You know, people who hate each other generally don’t enjoy making out.”

“You can hate someone and still be physically attracted to them,” I argued. “Unfortunately, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“So you admit you’re attracted to me.”

“Believe me, no one is as disappointed in me as I am,” I said gravely.

“I’m not disappointed. And what do you propose we do with the immense amount of physical attraction you feel toward me?”

“First of all, no one said anything about animmenseamount of anything.”

“It was heavily implied.”

“Second of all,” I went on, ignoring him, “just because we’re attracted to each other doesn’t mean we have to act on it.”

“Do I get a say in this?”

“If I say no, will you listen?”

“Unlikely. And I think we should act on it.”

I mimicked his signature lizard-blink, regarding him with vague disinterest. “Hands down one of your worst ideas. And that’s saying something.”

“Would it help change your mind if I grew a man-bun and painted my skin blue?”

“For the last time, it’s cinnamon roll, not cinnaman-bun. And you literally couldn’t be farther away from the archetype if you tried—wait,” I interrupted myself, my brain stumbling back a step. “If I said yes, would you do it?”

He didn’t answer right away.

He didn’t answer right away.

“Shut up. Would you actually do it?” An unexpected bout of excitement rushed my bloodstream, my imagination running wild with image after image of a blue-skinned Adrien sporting an atrocious man-bun.

He lifted a shoulder. “Maybe.”

Holy shit.“Would I be able to take pictures?”

“Would you post them anywhere?”

“On the internet? No. On my walls in the form of life-size posters? Yes. I’m extremely cultured and have always been really big on art. It’ssoimportant.”

His mouth twitched. “I don’t think that counts as art, Ria.”

“That’s because you obviously don’t getart, Adrien.”

He laughed, his eyes doing that new thing again where they went all soft and gooey. So weird. “Guess not.”

And because the molten gooeyness was doing more funny things to my insides, I diverted. “Also, quick reminder, the aliens have horns and tails and fangs. So make sure you include all those things.”
