Page 51 of Living For You

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We were in her bed, because that’s where we always slept together. I naturally gravitated there and Tori never questioned it, which I was very appreciative of.

Tori pulled her phone off her nightstand and blinked her eyes as she focused on the screen. “Two hours until we told your parents we’d be picking up the girls. Anything in particular you want to do?”

“I could go for a bubble bath.” I ran a finger down Tori’s cheek. “I’d love it if you’d join me.”

“Hell yeah.” Tori licked her lips. “Is this your birthday or mine?”

I took her hand and pulled her out of the bed, then led her through the master bedroom and into the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub and watched as Tori got the water to the perfect temperature and added the bubbles.

Tori took off her clothes then slowly took off mine as well. “What can I do for you this morning?” she asked as she kissed my neck. “It’s your birthday. I want to make sure I make it extra special.”

We had done so much together at this point, there wasn’t really anything “new” for us to try. Well, except one thing. I licked my lips as I thought about the vibrator that hadn’t been getting any love lately for obvious reasons.

“Actually, now that you mention it, I do have a waterproof vibrator that feels fucking amazing on my clit. Do you think you could use that on me?”

“Again, I ask… is this your birthday or mine?”

“Perfect. I’ll go get it.”

Tori held me tighter as I tried to pull away from her. “Absolutely not. It’s your birthday. Get in the tub and relax. I’ll go get it. Where do you keep it?”

“In the top drawer of the nightstand by my bed.” If I hadn’t been so turned on, I might have been thinking more clearly and remembered what else was in that drawer. If I had been thinking clearly at all these past two months, that note wouldn’t be there anymore because I would have thought to put it away.

But I wasn’t thinking clearly, so when it took Tori much too long to come back to the bathroom, I didn’t think anything of it. That is, until she walked in holding Willow’s note in the air, her cheeks more red than I had ever seen them before and her face twisted in a way that I couldn’t tell if she was about to cry or scream. When she spoke, her voice was level, but firm. “What the fuck is this?”

Chapter 16

I hopped out of the tub and ran over to Tori. “Tori, I can explain.” But could I? How did I explain years and years of secrets and lies?

“This note…” Tori waved the paper in the air as she pulled away from my grasp and began pacing through the bathroom. “It… she’s talking like… what the hell… did she… the accident… Was it on purpose?”

I threw my hands on my head as I tried to think of what to say. “No. Not at all. I promise. Willow didn’t want to die. She just knew she was going to.”

Tori shook her head and laughed, but it was far from joyful. “That doesn’t make sense. You’re not making sense. None of this… people don’t know when they’re going to die, Rosemary.”

“I know. I know how crazy it sounds. I thought so too when I first found out, but it’s true. Let’s get dressed and go into the family room to talk about this. You need to sit down.”

Tori left the bathroom without saying another word, and it took everything inside of me not to burst into tears. This definitely was not the birthday I was expecting. I got myself dressed and when I came out of my room, Tori’s door was shut, so I headed downstairs and made us each a cup of coffee. We were definitely going to need it.

I carried the coffee mugs into the family room and set them on the coffee table, then sat down on the couch. A few minutes later, Tori came into the room, but instead of sitting next to me on the couch as usual, she sat down on the loveseat.

I pointed to the coffee. “I made that for you.”

“I’m not thirsty.” Tori stared straight ahead, and her eyes looked distant and cold. It sent a shiver down my spine because I had honestly never seen her like this. It made me want to wrap myself in my winter jacket to hide from the freeze out I was experiencing from Tori.

“I understand. You can ask me anything you want.”

Tori laughed as tears fell from her eyes. “What am I supposed to ask? Where would I even start? People don’t know when they’re going to die.”

It was the same thing she had said just a few minutes ago, but I didn’t blame her for being stuck on it. It was true. People didn’t know when they were going to die. Except Willow. She did. Somehow.

“I know. Trust me, when Willow first told me, I didn’t believe it either.”

“When?” Tori finally brought her eyes to mine and the pain in them broke my heart. “When did Willow tell you?”

“Freshman year of college.”

Tori scoffed and shook her head once again. “Nope. No way. You want me to believe that my best friend from childhood didn’t tell me she was going to die, but she told some girl she barely knew at the time? Willow wouldn’t do that. I don’t get it. What made her think she was going to die?”
