Page 20 of Never Tear Us Apart

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“I know!” Jake snaps and points at the girl in the stockings. “You’re the girl from the market. The one holding up the line today because you were on the phone.”

“That would be me,” she replies plainly.

He tilts his head in the way I’ve seen him do a hundred times before and gives her a look that makes girls fall for whatever he’s selling. “And your name is?”

Surprisingly, she looks him down, then up, appearing unaffected. “Jenica, and I don’t work there,” she air quotes, “my parents own the store.”

“Well,” he smiles, ignoring her frosty response, “it’s nice to meet you, Jenica. And you.” He sticks out his hand and offers it to Royce. “Come on in.”

Royce shakes Jake’s hand, then wraps his arm around Ellery’s shoulder. It takes everything in me not to deck him, and something about the way she flinches when his fingers brush her upper arm, tells me she’d welcome it, even if it was me throwing the punch.

The three make their way inside, and when I see what Ellery is wearing, I clench my jaw so tightly, my molars gnash.

I was too focused on that asshole Royce before, but now I can’t help but notice how short her skirt is, and that the shirt she’s wearing is one of my old ones. Only, it’s been cropped and tied in a knot in the back so it pulls tight across her chest.

“Shit,” Jake mutters under his breath, and when I turn to give him the same look I gave Royce, I see his eyes aren’t onEllery, but her friend. Well, all be damned. Out of all the girls here,whocaught his eye…Ellery’s friend?

“So,” he turns and takes a drink when he finds me staring at him. “Who’s the douche?”

I look back at Royce with a scowl on my face. “Dad’s the DA back in Elmhurst. Ellery’s father and him were best friends.”

“Ah.” Jake lifts his brows. “Are the two of them a thing?”

I turn to him and laugh. “Not even close. He’s had a crush on her for years, and she’s always hated him.”

“You mean she did.” Jake lifts his chin, indicating for me to take another look. When I do, I see Royce has an arm wrapped around Ellery’s waist.

Since watching Royce Richardson put his hands all over Ellery is the last thing I want to do right now, I down the rest of my drink, and nod at Jake’s cup. “Want to get a refill?”

“Fuck that.” He pounds the rest of his drink, then crushes the cup. “I think it’s time for shots. You game, Cabron?”

“Hell yes.” I grin. “Now you’re talking.”


After a round of quarters that goes way too long, Jake and I turn the game over to two new players and head back inside.

“Better make sure you lock your door tonight,” he says while slinging an arm around my shoulder. “By the time these shots catch up, I may tap your ass thinking it’s that hot brunette’s.”

Doing shots with Jake was just what the doctor ordered. Everything feels good. I have a warm buzz in my chest and my fingers are tingly. “And just which brunette would that be?”

“Tell you what,” he pats my chest, “when there is something to share, I will. Until then.” He kisses the top of my head the way brother’s do, then holds out both arms and bobs his head in time to the music, while making his way into the living room.

The party is going strong. People are dancing and laughing,and couples are making out. Marcus is in the corner with a petite girl with dark hair, and Cal is holding court with a group of Elmhurst kids. I don’t see Royce, Ellery or her friend anywhere, which means they probably went home, thank God.

Seeing my boys having a good time, I weave through the crowd and check out what’s happening in the front of the house. As I hit the foyer, a girl grabs my arm and stops me. “Hey, Cruz.”

I give her a once over, trying to remember her name. She was in my class at Elmhurst. Maude I think? Can’t remember. She was forgettable then and still is.

“It’s Miriam.” She places a hand to her chest. “We had history together, senior year.”

“Oh, right,” I nod, pretending to care. Miriam, Maude, whatever.

She flashes a bright smile and throws her hair over one shoulder. “How’ve you been?”

“Good,” I reply with little interest. “You?”

“I’m good.” She leans back against the wall. “I could use another drink, though.”
