Page 40 of Never Tear Us Apart

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“She says she’s spending the summer working on the Harvard freshman syllabus, and Carter’s trying to dry out,” she air quotes, “before college, but really, it’s just code.”

“For?” I shake my head, not sure what she’s getting at.

Dex sits back, arm draped along the back of his sister’s chair. “Fucking.”

When he says it, I nearly choke and reach for the glass of water in front of me, taking a sip.

Dex laughs at my reaction and continues. “They’re gearing up for the whole long distance thing. Get it in now, so they don’t cheat. But we all know he’ll be tapping the first ass he sees when he gets to Stanford.”

When Skye and Carter first started dating, I gave them a week, tops. She was a bookworm, and he was a partier, and the two couldn’t be more different if they tried. But I guess opposites really do attract because they’d been dating for more than a year and planning to stay together when they went to college.

But no matter how serious they were, Dex had a point—get a little alcohol in Carter and a house full of girls, and he’d wind up with one of them. I’d seen him do it; make out with a girl after a few rounds of shots, at a party he and Skye went to together.

Not wanting to talk about him or their relationship right now I sit back, changing the subject. “I saw Asher and his sister the other night at Cruz’s party.”

Courtney lifts her brow in surprise. “Your brother is here?”

“Step,” I correct, not knowing why I even have to at this point.

She waves her hand, dismissing the correction. “What’s he doing here? He hasn’t been back since he left.”

“Came down with a couple of his buddies from college,” I shrug. “Don’t know anything more.”

She taps her long nails against the tabletop and tilts her head. “You two are still doing that whole hate-hate thing, I take it?”

“He hasn’t changed,” I reply with a nod. “And neither has Miriam.”

“God, she’s pathetic.” Courtney rolls her eyes. “She will be a junior at Princeton next year and she’s looking for dick in Cherry Cove.”

This makes me laugh. There was no love lost between Asher’s sister and me.

She was in Cruz’s grade at Elmhurst and always a bit ofa bitch. Her father had pulled a few strings for her to go to Princeton and did the same for Asher to play football at Michigan next year.

With how many favors Elmhurst society pulled for their kids, I wondered how any of them would manage in the real world. I wasn’t naive to think my father hadn’t greased a few wheels for me to go to Yale, but my grades were solid and I knew how to survive outside our glittering southern town.

“So listen,” I clear my throat, changing the subject. I don’t want to talk about Asher or his sister right now. “I was thinking, since everyone will be here this weekend, how about we kick off the summer right and have a beach party?”

“I’m down,” Dex nods, then looks at his sister. “Court, what do you say, show off one of your new bikinis?”

“Duh.” She tosses her hair over one shoulder and shoots him a wry smile. “Why else do you think I’m going to order a fucking salad?”

Courtney may be a bitch but she was gorgeous. Long chestnut colored hair and brown eyes with flecks of gold in them, she was the female version of her brother. Jenica was right, they were like pod people. Perfect on the surface, and conniving underneath.

“Well, alright.” I look up and smile at the waitress that approaches. “It’s settled. I’ll pick you up at ten on Saturday. There’s a spot I want to show you.”

Phase two was underway and summer had just started. Things were going according to plan, and I couldn’t help but think my Daddy would be proud.

Chapter 9


The guys and I have been in Cherry Cove for a week and we’re having a blast. In the morning we play catch to keep our arms loose, then we spend the day chilling in the pool or playing SEGA in the AC-controlled house. But once the sun sets we make dinner, then head to the boardwalk for the night. Between the rides and the concerts, it’s always a good time.

The tension that cropped up between Cal and I the morning after the party didn’t last. When he and Marcus returned that morning, he apologized. I didn’t want to fight with Cal, so I let it go. But not before busting his balls a bit.

Cal is batting in the four hundreds where the girls are concerned. It seems as if he’s hooking up with a new one each night, and Marcus appears to be doing well in that department as well, having found his summer go-to the night of our party.

Jake on the other hand, does a lot of flirting, but to my knowledge, hasn’t hooked up with anyone. Or maybe he has, and the fact we weren’t sharing a wall this summer meant I couldn’t hear him. Who knows? He seems relaxed and having a good time and that’s all that matters.
