Page 55 of Never Tear Us Apart

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“I didn’t want anything to get in the way of our friendship,” I say finally. “That’s why I said no to a second date.”

“Is that right?” he asks as if he isn’t buying it.

“It is,” I swallow, wanting him to believe me. “We’ve known each other since we were babies. We all have. And I don’t know, I guess I want something different than any of our parents.”

“All right,” he nods and takes a step toward me. “I’ll buy it. But you have to admit, that make out session of ours was pretty hot.”

My cheeks flush with heat, knowing he’s right. It was. But hot or not, my heart wasn’t in it.

“Trust me,” I give him a wry smile, “you’re better off with someone like Courtney.”

“Courtney,” he laughs. “No way.”

“Why not?” I can’t help but laugh back.

“Because that bitch would eat me alive.”

We both laugh again and I find myself lowering my guard a bit. “Okay, now my turn.”

“Okay,” he smiles. “Shoot.”

I chew on the inside of my cheek, wondering how to ask my question. “Your dad, the story he wrote about my father’s case, do you know anything about it?”

He takes a breath and with it, a slight step back. “No,” he says simply.

“He didn’t say anything to you about it?” I press, noticingthe way his entire demeanor seems to have shifted with the question.

“No,” he says for a second time. “But honestly, I was surprised when I saw it. Our parents were all so close. But my dad always said, objectivity is the root in which all journalism is based. Without it, you may as well be reading a Tom Clancy novel. But…” he adds after a brief pause. “I did give him shit about it.”

“You did?” I can’t help but smile a bit.

“Sure.” The momentary shift in his demeanor lifts and he seems more relaxed again. “You’re one of us, Elle, and that article was like shooting a bullet at the pack, ya know?”

I nod and look down, knowing exactly what he means. Momma felt betrayed when the story hit and I did, too. To not be told the case was being reopened was one thing. Royce was the DA and Momma knew there were legal lines he could not cross. But that article left a cut that hadn’t healed.

“Do you think your dad would talk to me about the story?” I ask candidly.

“Nope. Not the story or his source,” Asher shakes his head. “A reporter’s privilege is protected by law and my dad takes that seriously. But…” He leans in and lowers his voice. “If you were to find yourself in his office when he wasn’t there, then maybe his source and perhaps other information just as helpful, might be found in his notes.”

When he says it I can’t help but notice the smile on his face. He’s telling me something without telling me.

Before I know what I’m doing, I throw my arms around his neck and give him a hug—just like the one he gave me when they announced my name as Queen the night of Homecoming.

“Maybe that’s worthy of a second date?” he whispers, holding me tight.

“Maybe,” I hug him back even tighter.

When we pull apart he holds a finger to his lips, then turns and strolls away, heading back to the party. “See you outside, Butler.”

With a pep in my step, I run up the stairs to make a list of places I should look into when I am home for the ball.

As I’m heading down the hall, I run into Courtney. “Hey,” I smile. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” She swipes a finger across her lower lip. “Just taking a breather.”

“Cool. Do you need anything?”

“No.” She flips her hair over her shoulder. “You good?”
