Page 71 of Never Tear Us Apart

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“Probably some rich kid who can’t take no for an answer.”

I can’t help but agree. The guys from Elmhurst—with a few exceptions—were a rare breed of arrogant asshole.

She chews her cheek and eyes me carefully. “Speaking of…”

The way she says it, sends off alarm bells. “What’s up?”

“Obviously, I know about you and Ellery. What happened in the past, and what’s been happening this summer. I have eyes and ears, so don’t try to deny it. Just know I will cut your balls off if you hurt her.”

I appreciate Jenica’s candor and respect her enough as Ellery’s friend not to bullshit her.

“Noted,” I say with a nod. “But for the record, I don’t plan to hurt her. You have my word. I care about my ballsandher too much.”

She smiles slightly. “Well, for the record, I think you’re good for her, which is why I’m telling you what I’m about to.”

“What is it?” I press.

“It’s Ellery. She…went home this morning.”

“To see her mom,” I nod. “I know.”

“Well, technically, yes.”

“What do you mean, technically?”

“She went home to see her mom because they were invited toa party.”

“What?” I snap my head back. “What party?”

“Some uppity thing their mayor is throwing. But that’s not all. She went withthem.” My pulse kicks up a notch, knowing well who she’s referring to. “And that’s not all. They’re going together, and one of them is her date.”

“What!” I snap. “Who?”

“That douche who can’t stop panting after her like a dog in heat.”

“Richardson?” I ask through gritted teeth.

“Take it you’re not too fond of him either?”

“Not at all.” The muscle in my jaw ticks. “When’s the party?”


“Tonight! What time?”

“Um, seven.” She shifts nervously, and something tells me she wasn’t supposed to be telling me any of this.

“Seven?” I repeat and look down at my watch. It was just about four now. Elmhurst was a two hour drive, give or take depending on traffic. If I left now I could get there in time.

“Why didn’t she tell me?”

“Probably for the same reason I see right now.”

“And that is?”

“You look like you’re ready to murder him.”

“Good.” I reach for my ball cap and spin it around, putting it on backwards. “That’s the look I was going for.”
