Page 26 of Our Pucking Way

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He sighed and let me lead him down the tunnel to the hallway where the guys would eventually be coming out.

And it felt like a victory.


Greyson and I waited for the guys in the hallway outside the locker room. Greyson still had a stupidly wide grin on his face from watching the guys hobble their way through the game.

“You can stop smiling any time now,” I murmured, watching the people around us who were milling around waiting for their players.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I feel just awful about it,” Greyson drawled in the most insincere voice I’d ever heard.

I glared at him, but he did that hot winking thing of his, and I found it a little bit harder to be mad.

Jack sidled out of the locker room, his black eye large and in charge as he made a beeline towards me, scooping me into his arms and pressing a hard kiss against my lips.

“Good game,” Greyson offered, and Jack rolled his eyes so dramatically I was a bit afraid they were going to get stuck like that.

“If I thought you meant that at all...I would probably have your head checked,” Jack said sarcastically.

Greyson did his smug grin again, and Jack shook his head tiredly. “I don’t even have the energy to call you out for being an asshole.”

I got up on my tippy toes and pressed a kiss against his injured brow, and his arms squeezed me closer to him.

“Let her go,” griped Sebastian a second later as he grumpily pulled me from Jack’s arms. “I need some kind of reward for enduring that.”

“First rule of fight club...we don’t complain about it,” Greyson grinned.

Sebastian pulled me into his chest with one arm while he flipped Greyson off with the other.

“You could be a little nicer,” I muttered to Greyson. “Since they are injured because of your demands.”

Greyson shrugged, eyeing Sebastian’s arms around me like he wanted to grab me away. “They should have fought better.”

I grabbed Sebastian’s shirt before he could lunge at Greyson.

This was going well.

Carter limped out, his face the picture of pain. “Can we get out of here? I just got the ass chewing of the century from Coach.”

“You weren’t that bad!” I said indignantly.

The four of them stared at me with matching raised eyebrows.

“You were watching the same game as me, right?” asked Greyson.

“I hate you,” snapped Carter, tiredly pulling me from Sebastian’s arms and walking me down the hallway towards the double doors that led out into the parking lot. I was aware of a mass of eyes staring at me as we walked, since they’d all seen me passed between four different men, but I found I didn’t care in the slightest.

Carter helped me into his car and put on my seatbelt as I sat there amused. “I think I could have handled it under the circumstances,” I said lightly.

He “mmmhed” and brushed a kiss against my lips before closing the door and walking around the front of the car and getting in.

“I think they were wanting a ride,” I commented as he pulled away, and I heard the faint sound of Jack yelling something from a few feet away.

“They can go with Greyson,” Carter murmured, a smile building on his face. “That will give me time to call dibs.”


“Dibs on your pussy,” he commented dryly. “If I’m already balls deep inside you when they get to our place, it will be a little hard for them to claim you for the night...don’t you think?”
