Page 39 of Our Pucking Way

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“Come on,” I said a bit breathlessly after we separated. I began to pull him down the hallway. The momentary glow disappeared when we got out into the main bar, and I saw Jack. The two girls from the bathroom—or at least I think it was them from what I could see through the bathroom stall crack—were gathered in front of the table where Carter and Jack were sitting, talking to them.

Or maybe talkingatthem was the better way to phrase it. Carter was staring at the game playing on the TV behind Jack’s head...and Jack was staring at the table, fingering a knife in a way that would have made me a little nervous if I was those girls.

“Come on, princess,” Sebastian said, kissing the side of my neck as he led me back to the table. Carter and Jack immediately glanced up the second we were back, their features changing from disinterested to...obsessed.

That was a weird way to describe it. But the feral glint in Jack’s gaze seemed like it could only be described like that.

“I was about to come hunt you down...or hunt Sebastian down if he’d left with you,” Jack said...and I didn’t think that he was joking.

“No need for that,” I said in that same, terrible fake voice I’d been using since I’d come out into the hallway after hearing the women. Jack lifted an eyebrow, and I elbowed Sebastian...just in case he decided to say something. I did not want my business aired out in front of these women. Women who were both staring at me like I was shit they’d just wiped off their shoes.

Jack stared at me with a frown as I slid into the booth and pretended to study the table. I’d had a pleasant buzz before I’d left for the bathroom, but it had faded.

That needed to change.

I grabbed one of the shots that had been brought out while I’d been gone and threw it back.

“Jack, you had a really good game tonight,” one of the girls said, and I eyed how her hand had just landed on his arm.

He shrugged her touch away and continued to stare at my face. “Do you need anything, pretty girl?” he pressed, leaning towards me across the table.

“Nope,” I said, popping my “p” as I shook my head. “I’ve got exactly what I need right here.” I grabbed another shot and threw it back, enjoying the burn and the light feeling that was once again spreading through my veins.

That was nice.

“Jack, I was thinking about that night…” the girl began, and I stiffened in my seat, my gaze shooting up where I saw she was smiling at me, a triumphant gleam in her eyes. Had Jack called her a pretty girl too? Because she was pretty. Really pretty. She actually looked like she belonged hanging around famous hockey players with her wavy blonde hair and pretty brown eyes.

She looked nothing like me.

I didnothave enough alcohol for this.

I grabbed another shot glass, and Sebastian gently grabbed my wrist. “Maybe we should slow down, princess,” he murmured, leaning in close until his lips were brushing against my ear. “I’d rather not fuck you while you’re comatose.”

I scoffed and threw the shot back because I wasn’t interested in sleeping with any of them at the moment—except maybe Greyson. But he wasn’t an option tonight thanks to the “business” he’d had to take care of.

I snuck a glance at Jack. He didn’t seem to have heard her since he hadn’t taken his gaze off me. I was aware I might have been acting a little unreasonably, but I couldn’t help it. I’d seen girls hanging off them those first few weeks at the hockey rink.

But it felt different now. I knew what they felt like against my skin, how their dick fit perfectly inside me...I knew the taste of their cum.

And I hated the idea that some other girl did too.

“Jack,” the girl whined insistently.

“Fuck this,” I whispered, grabbing another shot.

“What are you still doing here?” Jack snapped, as if he'd literally just realized the two girls were still standing there.

They both gaped at him.

“I was just telling you—” she began, reaching out to touch him again.

He leaned away from her hand and a literal growl came out of his mouth. “If you touch me again, I will get you kicked out of this bar. News flash, you cunt, I don’t remember anything about you, and I have no wish to repeat something that I probably had to be blacked-out drunk to take part of in the first place. Now get away.”

I gaped at Jack as the girl’s eyes welled up with tears. Sebastian and Carter didn’t look shocked at all. They had widegrins on their faces, and Carter winked at me from across the table when he saw how shockedIwas.

The two women ran away, Jack’s former fling sobbing as they escaped to the bar entrance and out into the dark night.

“Alright, now that that’s taken care of...what’s wrong? What did they say?” Sebastian pressed.
