Page 80 of Our Pucking Way

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“You’re being dramatic. This will be fun.”

Greyson sighed and was definitely dragging his feet as we made our way into the rink.

I breathed in the smell of the arena. The ice stretched before us, a vast expanse of glistening white beneath the dim glow of the overhead lights. Greyson hesitated as he stared at it, uncertainty clouding his gorgeous features like a shadow.

I’d arranged...using my boyfriends’ perks, to have the rink to ourselves for the evening. I hadn’t missed Greyson’s longing looks when we went to games. He’d missed being out there. I was hoping he’d be able to let his mob boss persona rest for the night.

I was also selfishly hoping that maybe I’d get some more memories back of Greyson and I in high school. I loved these men so much. I wanted every memory of me and them that I could get.

We grabbed skates from the desk, Greyson staring at them like they’d personally offended him of course. “I could have brought my own skates, baby,” he said, staring at them disgustedly. “Do you even know what kind of bacteria is in those things?”

“Pssh. You’ll survive. I even left my skates home because I didn’t want you to see them and ruin the surprise.”

Greyson grumbled the entire time he laced up the skates while I just laughed at him.

“Ready?” I asked, holding out my hand.

He gazed at the ice and then back to my hand. “Anything for you, baby.”

“This is for you, too,” I said quietly.

We walked over to the entrance of the ice, and Greyson hesitated at the edge, uncertainty clouding his features.

For the first time I wondered if this had been the right move. He looked so...sad.

“Come on, baby cakes,” I urged, offering him what I hoped looked like a reassuring smile. “It will be just like old times.”

He glanced over at me. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he answered, a hint of vulnerability across his features. There was a spark of longing in his gaze though too.

The usual rush of excitement coursed through me as we stepped onto the ice, anticipation thrumming in the pit of my stomach.

This was when I’d first felt a sense of familiarity. First felt that maybe my past wasn’t locked behind a wall permanently.

The ice was smooth beneath my feet, the crisp air invigorating as it filled my lungs with each breath.

I took a few tentative strikes, the sound of blades scraping against the surface echoing in the stillness of the rink.

Beside me, Greyson moved with a grace born of years of experience, his movements slow and deliberate as he reacquainted himself with the sensation of gliding across the ice. I could see the tension melting away from his shoulders with each stroke, a sense of peace settling over him like a comforting embrace.

I smiled as I watched him, as I watched the hardened mafia leader slip away, and in its place the boy that I’d once known.

With a burst of speed, I launched into a series of spins, my body turning gracefully across the ice like I was a dancer in flight. The cold air whipped past my cheeks, the sensation exhilarating as I lost myself in the simple joy of movement.

A strong pair of arms caught me and held me in place. “Woah there. You’re going to give me a heart attack!” Greyson exclaimed, his hands checking me like I had been injured moving around.

“I'm fine,” I laughed, not understanding why he was freaking out.

And then he was laughing, too, the sound echoing around the empty rink like a beacon of light.

Greyson almost never laughed, and I marveled at the sound for a moment, because it could have been my new favorite thing.

He grabbed my hand and we skated around, Greyson taking the opportunity to feel me up every chance he got.

“Best date ever?” I asked hopefully, now that he seemed so happy.

“Depends if I end up in your tight pussy after this,” he commented as I scoffed, my insides fluttering though just thinking about it.

“Well, who do we have here?” Carter’s voice floated towards us from the side of the rink, Jack and Sebastian appearing with him.
