Page 119 of Power Play Rivals

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“I guess until then, you’ll have to find more creative ways to make me smile.”

“I think I can think of a few.” His gaze smolders.

“I can, too.” I pull him by his coat lapels and drag him inside. “How about I show you what I mean?”

“Lead the way, kitten. I’m all yours.”

Chapter 21


“Trent, wake up.” I hear Piper whisper as the gentle rays of the morning sun filter through her bedroom curtains, casting a golden hue across the room.

As I sluggishly open my eyes, my gaze instantly falls on the gorgeous creature straddling on top of me. My eyes eagerly drink every inch of her in, completely mesmerized by how the sunlight catches her face, illuminating her delicate features. Her blonde hair, which is usually trapped in a ponytail, is free from its bondage, cascading down her naked chest in soft, long waves, gleaming like spun gold and kissing her pretty pink nipples.

I don’t say a word, wanting to take a second just to memorize this moment of waking up to the woman I am irrevocably and deeply in love with. However, my hardening cock seems impatient with the idea.

Not that I can blame it.

At this moment, she’s Aphrodite personified, even if the expression on her face says that I’m on her shitlist.

“You’re an asshole, Trent Nichols, you know that?Taming of the Shrew? Is that supposed to be funny?” Piper reprimands me with a scowl.

“Good morning to you, too, sunshine.” My lazy smile stretches on my lips as my hand latches onto her hip while the other begins to play with the ends of her hair.

“Oh, don’t sunshine me.” She slaps my chest in jest, trying her utmost best to keep her grin from popping out. “I’m mad at you.”

“I can see that,” I smirk. “So you finally remembered where the quote was from, huh?” I ask while twirling a lock of her hair around my finger

“No. I googled it,” she admits. “Couldn’t come up with anything nicer to say than a quote fromTaming of the Shrew?”

“I thought it very appropriate.”

“There you go, making jokes again.” She slaps my chest again, her playful smile finally making an appearance.

With the rays of sunshine creating a halo effect around her, she looks like a goddamn angel in need of some serious corrupting.

“Actually, I’m not in a laughing mood.”

“Oh?” She retorts with a coy smile when I arch my back so she can feel my dick poke at her center. “And what mood are you in, I wonder?”

“The one that wants to give the birthday girl another present. Preferably with my cock. How about you be a good little kitten and jump on it for me.”

“Sounds more like it’s your birthday than mine.” Her crystal-blue eyes light up with mischief.

“Fair enough. How about we compromise? I’ll just lay here and let you have your way with me. You can do whatever you want. But after you’re done, it’s my turn.”

“Whatever I want?” She bites down on her bottom lip.

“Whatever you want. I’m yours for the taking.”

Her eyes hood at the prospect of scanning my body as if it were her own personal carnival ride.

And when she decides to slide further down, grabbing my hard shaft in her hand to give it a good morning kiss, I feel like I’m the luckiest bastard in the world.

But just as she’s about to take her first lick, we hear the doorbell ring.

“Shit,” we both spew out in tandem, hating to be interrupted just when things were starting to get fun.”
