Page 122 of Power Play Rivals

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“You just couldn’t stay in the bedroom, could you?”

“And miss the opportunity to show off my new skills?” I joke, bridging the gap between us.

“About that, why are you learning sign language?”

“I would have thought the reason is obvious,” I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“That being?”

“It’s very apparent that you and your mom have a very strong bond. That’s why I thought it was important that I educate myself and learn sign language. I wanted to be respectful and show you that I want to be a part of your world in all its facets. I thought you’d be happy.”

But when her blue eyes dim with sadness, I see that I accomplished the opposite.

“What are you doing, Trent? The bracelet, learning sign language. What exactly are you trying to do?”

“I would have thought I made my intentions clear on that front, too. You’re important to me, Piper. And whatever is important to you is important to me. I want to show you that I’m a man worthy of your time. Your affection. Even your love.”

When I say the word love, she winces and pulls out of my embrace.

“I have to get ready,” she murmurs softly as she attempts to walk past me. However, I gently hold onto her wrist, halting her eager escape.

“Don’t walk away, Piper. Don’t shut me out. Just tell me what I did wrong?”

“That’s just it. You haven’t done anything wrong. You never do anything wrong. And that’s the problem,” she whispers, craning her head back to look me in the eye.

Her blue gaze looks so lost, as if trying to swim to shore, only for the current to drag her down into its ruthless depths. There’s such turmoil there. So much fear.

It’s so fucking heartbreaking to see it dim her light that, ultimately, I take pity on her and stop pressing her further.

“Let’s not keep Shelby waiting. Come, kitten, let’s get you ready for your birthday brunch,” I coo, lacing her fingers in mine and walking her to her ensuite bathroom.

I turn on the water and make sure it’s warm enough before I strip off her robe and panties. She doesn’t put up a fight as I pull her into the shower with me and start washing her from head to toe.

“Why are you taking care of me like I’m some wounded animal?” she asks, sounding more like the Piper I know and fell in love with.

“Because it gives me pleasure taking care of what’s mine,” I explain patiently.

“I’m not yours,” she rebukes, snatching the loofa from my hand.

“Your mouth says that, but your body and heart say something quite different,” I smirk, placing a tender kiss on her bare shoulder, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

“Sex isn’t love. Don’t kid yourself.”

“And you insisting what we have is solely based on sex, it’s you kidding yourself, kitten.”

“Are you saying that you’d want me, even if sex was off the table?” She arches a suspicious brow.

“Yes,” I say without missing a beat.


“Don’t believe me? Try me and see.”

“Fine. Then we’re no longer going to have sex. From here on out, the only action you’ll be getting is from your right hand.”

“Is that a challenge? Because two can play that game.”

“What do you propose?” she asks, and I can see that tiny smidge of fear starting to creep in.
