Page 123 of Power Play Rivals

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“I won’t touch you. I won’t even kiss you if you don’t want me to. But in return, we don’t spend one night apart. From here on out, when I wake up and open my eyes, your face should be the first thing I see.”

“And how is that going to work? You have your place, and I have mine.”

“I’ll be more than accommodating. I don’t mind sleeping here if you don’t want to sleep back at my place.”

“Good. Cause no way am I sleeping in that cold fortress of a penthouse.” She scrunches her nose.

“I’ll have to tell my decorator that you disapprove of the décor. So it’s settled. I’ll sleep here.” I chuckle.

“Whatever. How long do you propose we do this then?”

“A month should suffice. Unless you think a month is too much of a commitment for you?”

“Are you trying to hint that I’m some kind of commitment phobe?” she quips back with a snarl.

“Aren’t you?” I tease.

“Whatever. Think whatever you want. It’s not like I care either way.”

“Always so feisty.”

“Always so arrogant.” She offers me one of her fake smiles—the same one I liked nothing more than to kiss away from her lips.

“Okay, so no more sex for a month. Not until you admit that this is more than us wanting to fuck like bunnies.”

“Or you admit that sex is the only thing we’re good at,” she counters.

But as we shake hands to seal the deal, her eyes travel down my naked body while mine greedily scan hers.

This is going to hurt.

And not in a fun way.

After the longest, most grueling shower known to mankind, we get dressed and drive to meet Shelby for brunch. However, instead of us going to the Velvet Vine Café, as I assumed, Piper asks me to drive her to St. Michael Cemetery.

“Why are we here?” I ask, curious as to why Piper’s mom wants us to meet her here, of all places.

“Because I always come here on my birthday,” Piper explains, walking at a faster pace when she sees Shelby standing over a gravestone. “Stay here,” Piper orders. “Just give me a few minutes.”

I don’t dare to argue and stay rooted to the spot instead, watching my love walk amongst the tombstones like she’s returning home.

When Piper gets close enough to her mother, she gently places her hand on her mother’s shoulder, announcing her arrival. Even from where I’m standing, I can tell that Shelby has been crying. However, now that her daughter is here, she wipes her tears hurriedly and puts on a brave smile for Piper’s benefit. I watch the two attentively sign something to each other before Shelby nods, pressing a kiss on Piper’s cheek. Shelby then starts walking in my direction, leaving her daughter alone to talk with a ghost.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize what’s going on here.

This must be where Piper’s father has been laid to rest.

I’m of two minds right now, unsure if I should steal my love away from such a morbid environment or respect her wishes and let her have some time alone to speak to her father.

“She’s okay. She’ll be right back,” Shelby signs slowly when she reaches me.

“Is she? Is she okay?” I mumble, not as sure.

Shelby’s usual cheerful smile is absent as she signs something that I’m too overwhelmed to catch on.

“I’m sorry. I don’t understand,” I explain anxiously, still staring at Piper, my chest tightening with the way she brushes her hands over the granite stone, gripping it like she needs it for balance.

When I take a step towards her, Shelby places her hand on my chest and shakes her head. She then pulls out her phone, followed by her trusty app, and starts typing.
