Page 146 of Power Play Rivals

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But then again, Lottie always had a better-refined moral compass than me.

Hence why she would never dream of uploading a video of his minuscule dick online and sending the link to every person that works with him—his employer included.


He should count his blessings that’s all I did.

I’m still of two minds about either staying put or go to New York to pay him a visit with a bat in one hand and pliers in the other.

“There. It’s done,” Lottie says, exhausted, placing the phone on the kitchen counter.

“I’m so sorry, darling,” her mom says, massaging her sore shoulders. “You didn’t deserve this.”

“The only thing she didn’t deserve was wasting ten years with that schmuck,” I mutter pissed.

“That too,” her father chimes in. “I never liked him, to be frank. Something always rubbed me the wrong way.”

“You mean like he rubbed his cock over half of New York?”

“Piper!” my mother signs, throwing me a scolding look.

“What? Am I wrong? The dipshit got off easy. If I were Lottie, I’d be on my way to his house and only leave after making sure he’d never use that pencil dick for the rest of his life.”

“Piper!” Lottie and our moms shout in unison.

“I agree with you, kiddo. Maybe you and I can pay him a little visit,” her father whispers in my ear with a wink.

“No one is leaving this house to do God knows what,” Lottie’s mom says, pointing her finger at me and her husband.

“Actually, I do have to leave,” Lottie says, surprising us all.

“Really? Are we really doing this?” I ask excitedly.

“I’m not going to confront Coop, Piper. As far as I’m concerned, Coop is ancient history. I don’t even want to waste any more of my time thinking about it. He’s stolen enough of it from me as it is.”

“Amen,” Harold adds.

“Then where are we going?” I ask her, confused.

“Well, first of all, I must get back to the house before he does. I know Coop. He might hate Boston, but he hates losing more. He’ll come home and try to change my mind,” Lottie explains, crestfallen for being so blind to the person he truly was all along.

“But you won’t, right?” I ask, just to make sure the fucker can’t sweet-talk his way out of this one.

Not that I would let him.

“Not a chance. We’re done,” Lottie says assertively, leaving no room for doubt. “And to prove it, I need to grab as much as possible out of the house before he has time to get there.”

“I can drive you back to Boston and help you pack,” I offer. “You can even crash at my place until you find an apartment.”

“That… won’t be necessary. I don’t think,” she replies shyly.

“Really? Where are you going to stay?”

“She’s going to stay at Nate’s,” her father answers for her. “Pick up, girl. Couldn’t you see that the two were made for each other?”

Lottie’s cheeks blush with embarrassment as she lowers her head, realizing that even her parents could sense the undeniable chemistry between Nathan and her after just a few days of being around them.

“Well then, why are we standing all around here? Grab your things, Lottie, and let’s get on the road!” I shout, giddy that my best friend has finally found a winner.
