Page 147 of Power Play Rivals

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For a successful matchmaker, it sure took her a hot minute to find her perfect match.

Everyone darts out of the kitchen and races upstairs to Lottie’s room, packing her things so she doesn’t waste a second. Fifteen minutes later, Lottie and I stand freshly showered and dressed, our bags packed and neatly lined up by the front door, ready for us to hit the long road back to Boston.

As we walk out onto the front porch, Lottie grabs my wrist and looks at me.

“Am I crazy, Piper? Maybe I should go to your place instead?” she says, getting cold feet.

“Do you love him?” I repeat the question my mother asked me on the beach.

“With all my heart,” she replies, her face lightening up.

“Then you’re not crazy. Aren’t you the one who always says that everyone is deserving of love? Then, if that’s true, I don’t know anyone who deserves it more than you,” I reply sincerely.

Lottie is the best person I know.

If it’s true what my mom says—that love is a gift—then I don’t know anyone more deserving of it than Lottie.

“Thank you. And one day, I hope you meet someone as wonderful as Nathan who makes you feel just as loved as he makes me,” she gushes, completely oblivious to the fact that her words just managed to shove a hot iron rod through the gaping hole that I’ve been carrying around in my chest since I got here. “You’ll see, Piper. When you find the person who was always meant to be yours, nothing else measures up.”

I already have.

And let him go.

But, like always, those words refuse to come out.

“Did I say something wrong?” Lottie asks, confused by my deep-rooted frown.

“Nah, babe. You said it perfectly.” I feign a smile, even though I can feel my heart shattering inside me. “Let’s hit the road.”

“Let’s!” Lottie shouts excitedly.

But unlike my optimistic best friend, my mind is in total unrest during the whole ride back to Boston.

Here is Lottie, fighting for the man she loves while I try to do everything in my power to push mine away.


I have no doubt that Nathan will treat Lottie like the rockabilly pin-up queen that she is.

He’ll be loyal and faithful to her for the rest of his days.

And Trent… he’d move heaven and earth to be given the opportunity to do the same for me.

“What am I doing?” I mumble under my breath.

“What?” Lottie asks.

“Nothing,” I mutter.

“Are you okay, Piper? You’ve been off the whole Christmas break. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

“I know.”

“So, are you going to tell me what’s been troubling you lately? And don’t say it has something to do with the sale of the Guardians because I can tell there’s something else on your mind besides work. What’s really worrying you? Talk to me,” she insists.

“Do you believe that two people really are destined to be together? That, no matter how much you fight your feelings, in the end, they are the ones you were always meant to be with?”

“You mean soulmates?” she asks pensively.
